ACT News

Long-haired Persian cat Maisey missing in Canberra's south

Posters featuring Canberra's most adorable cat have been plastered around suburbs in the south - but unfortunately for all the wrong reasons.

Two-year-old Maisey - a long-haired Persian - went missing from her home on Serventy Street in Wright on 1 December 2016. Her owners Julie and Dana have been frantically trying to find her ever since. They've scoured local veterinarian clinics, appealed for help on Gumtree and Facebook, and are even offering a sizeable $1000 reward for her return.

Owner Julie said it was highly unusual for Maisey - whose brother and playmate Dandy is apparently "devastated" - to leave the house or courtyard.

"Even though it has been almost two weeks, we are still hopeful," Julie said.

"We have dropped posters in mailboxes and we walk around the neighbourhood every day calling her name and shaking a container of biscuits in case she hears us.

"Dana has even been down the drain system to call her and leave food."


Julie said Dandy had refused to sleep in the joint bed he shares with Maisey since she went missing.

"Our big concern is that her eyes need drops twice a day and she needs to be brushed daily. Persians take a lot of care. Without this care she could get sick quickly.

"We are so thankful for the Canberra community who have been so wonderful, calling and texting and offering tips. A lady from the Lost Pet Database found us walking around Wright and lent us a motion sensor camera to use indefinitely."

Maisey is currently sporting a "lion cut" - which means her body is shaved but she has a "mane" around her head and tufts on her feet and tail.

If you've seen Maisey or have any other information please call Julie on 0419 532 012.