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Union in landmark legal action over farm wages

Labourers at Covino's Longford farm.

One of Australia’s largest vegetable growers has been hit with a landmark legal claim aimed at recovering more than $500,000 in back pay for exploited international workers.

Ex-case manager describes system that 'set Voller up to fail'

The image of Voller in a spithood at the Don Dale Youth Detention Centre helped trigger the royal commission.

Dylan Voller's former case manager has described a Northern Territory justice system that failed the offender from a young age, neglecting diversionary programs, adopting a punitive and not rehabilitative approach, turning him violent, and failing to help him re-enter society.

Victorians warm to Pauline Hanson's One Nation

Nearly one in 10 Victorians would vote for Pauline Hanson's party if the state election were held this week.

Nearly one in ten Victorian voters would vote for Pauline Hanson's One Nation party at the next state election causing a major headache for the major political parties, new polling shows.

Markets Live: ASX see-saws

A rise in oil and iron ore prices may not be enough to lift the sharemarket today.

Shares fall then bounce only to drop again as selling in miners and banks intensifies, while bond proxies enjoy some relief and CSL shines.

Active management set to shine in 2017

The rise of populism has been a major source of volatility in the market and is expected to continue into 2017.

Global fund managers expect a sharp increase in market volatility next year amid growing geopolitical uncertainty and a marked shift in fiscal policy, a survey has found.