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What counts towards the ATAR?

The ATAR is based on up to six VCE results. The results do not all have to be from the one year. The ATAR is calculated using:

a student's best score in any one of the English studies; 

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the scores of their next best three permissible studies (which together with the English study make the "primary four"); plus

10 per cent of the scores for any fifth and sixth study which they may have completed (these are called "increments").

If a student has a primary four, they will get an ATAR. VTAC will use up to six results in calculating the ATAR. If a student has more than six results, the six permissible scores that give the highest ATAR are used.

Studies used in the calculation of the ATAR may be taken over any number of years.


Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs

VET programs included in the VCE Unit 1 to 4 framework contribute to the ATAR in the same way as VCE studies.

Scored Unit 3 and 4 VCE VET sequences are deemed equivalent to VCE Unit 3 and 4 sequences.

Unscored Unit 3 and 4 VCE VET sequences may count as a fifth and/or sixth increment which is calculated from the average of the Primary Four of the VTAC Scaled Study Scores.

Where the VCAA has granted block credit at Units 3 and 4 level, recognised VET or Further Education (VFE) qualifications at level three or above in the Australian Qualifications Framework are eligible for inclusion as a fifth or sixth study increment in the calculation of the ATAR. This increment is calculated as for unscored Unit 3 and 4 VCE VET sequences.

However, there are additional restrictions placed on the use of VET or Further Education block credit that do not apply to unscored VCE VET sequences whereby VCE and VCE VET results will take precedence over VFE Block Credit results.

VFE block credit can still be used in the calculation of the ATAR. However, it can only be used in the calculation of an ATAR if there are fewer than 6 VCE or VCE VET studies available. If there are 6 or more VCE or VCE VET studies available, a VFE block credit result cannot be used.

Approved Higher Education Studies in Schools

Students undertaking an approved Higher Education Study in Year 12 can include the result as an increment in the ATAR (fifth or sixth study, but not both) provided that it is passed, that VCAA co-requisite or prerequisite conditions were met, and study combination restrictions were met. An increment will be awarded for the Higher Education Study, depending on the level of results achieved in the Higher Education Study.

If the student's average result over all the Higher Education Study units is at least 90 per cent, the Higher Education increment will be 5.0.

If the student's average result over all the HE study units is at least 80 per cent but less than 90 per cent, the Higher Education increment will be 4.5.

If the student's average result over all the HE study units is at least 70 per cent but less than 80 per cent, the Higher Education increment will be 4.0.

If the student's average result over all the HE study units is at least 60 per cent but less than 70 per cent, the Higher Education increment will be 3.5.

If the student's average result over all the HE study units is at least 50 per cent but less than 60 per cent, the Higher Education increment will be 3.0.

If the student's average result over all the HE study units is below 50, no Higher Education increment is given.


There are some restrictions on how certain combinations of studies may be counted for an ATAR.

In each of the study areas of English, mathematics, history, contemporary Australian studies, information technology, languages and music:

at most two results can contribute to the Primary Four; and

at most three results can contribute to the ATAR, the third being counted as a 10 per cent increment for a fifth or sixth study.

This also includes Higher Education studies. So, if an ATAR incorporates a Higher Education study increment from any of the study areas listed above, then at most two VTAC scaled study scores and/or VET increments from that study area may be used.

For example, Lisa has completed six studies:

• Music Performance

• Music Investigation

• Music Composition

• Music (Higher Education Scheme)

• English Language and

• Italian

When calculating the ATAR only two music studies (not including the Higher Education study) may be included in the primary four, and one other music study will be counted as an increment. Therefore the fourth music study will not contribute to the calculation of the ATAR, but will still be sent to institutions for their information.

As a result the studies used in the calculation of Lisa's ATAR will include a maximum of three music studies as well as English Language and Italian. The fourth music study (the lowest score) will not be included in the ATAR calculation.

There are other specific restrictions where two or more studies have similar content, or where studies have been combined.

There are no restrictions on the number of VET results that can be counted in the ATAR. However, there are industry area restrictions on VET studies similar to the study area restrictions listed above. There are 26 separate industry areas.

For further information refer to VTAC Year 10 Guide, available on the VTAC website: