
VCE 2015: Are you a 40-plus VCE student?

Search on schools and students to see who received 40+ scores in 2015.

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School is at an end for the 40,000 VCE students of 2015 and after the arduous exam period and the long wait for results, the results are in. Now, attention turns to the high achievers; students who scored more than 40 in at least one study area.

More than 500 students this year achieved a perfect score of 50 and almost 15,000 students achieved at least one score above 40. These results put them in the top 9 per cent of students, and the 91 students with perfect scores lead the state.

Some schools clearly have excellent teachers who produce high scores in specific subjects, such as Media, Philosophy, Sociology or Geography - search on our interactive for specific students and schools. 

Message from the Minister for Education

I would like to congratulate all of the students who have been recognised in today's supplement for their success in this year's Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE).   

A study score of 40+ is a significant accomplishment and you should all feel very proud of what you have achieved.  You cannot achieve top marks without hard work, determination and focus. 

I am  sure that you have all been supported by your teachers, parents and friends who have provided the encouragement and guidance needed to help you complete this journey. I hope you all take time to thank those who have supported you along the way. 

While excelling at VCE is an impressive achievement, great results are not the only measure of success. 

More than 49,000 will graduate with the VCE this year and each and every one of you should be proud.  Especially those students who have overcome significant challenges to achieve what they have this year. 

Right now your study score and ATAR are probably very much on your mind, but remember that this is just one step in a long journey and your VCE results do not have to define you. Don't forget there are many pathways available to you, including university, TAFE courses, apprenticeships, traineeships or full time work. 
Be alert to the many opportunities that lie ahead of you and take full advantage of these when they come your way. 

Whatever path you take, I wish you every success next year.

The Hon. James Merlino MP 
Minister for Education