
Bushfire in Meredith: 20 fire crews battling blaze

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The day after 12,000 revellers left Meredith Music Festival, 140 firefighters and two water-bombing aircraft are battling a bushfire in Meredith State Forest. They expect to have it under control by midnight.

The Country Fire Authority says the bushfire travelled east towards She Oaks and Maude, after it began next to Slate Quarry Road about 6pm on Monday.

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Be fire ready this summer. It's important to prepare your property and make a plan. Vision courtesy CFA Victoria.

A spokesman for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning said it would leave crews on the fire overnight. "There's been an investigator out at the fire looking at the cause, but there is no cause yet," the spokesman said.

The communities of Meredith, Lethbridge, Maude and She Oaks have been urged to stay informed and monitor conditions.

Residents in the area should review their fire plan and keep roads clear for emergency service vehicles. Police road blocks remain in place.

CFA crews are assisting the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning with the fire. .


A spokeswoman said there is one home down-wind of the fire, which is at risk.

"Firefighters are protecting one home located in the forest and are working to contain the fire in bushland," she said.

CFA District 7 rostered duty officer Mark Collins said hot and windy weather forecast tomorrow would require crews to monitor the incident overnight.

"We're working closely with DEWLP to keep an eye on this forest fire because we've got bad weather conditions expected tomorrow," he said.

A DEWLP spokesman said the blaze had ripped through about 50 hectares of land by about 8.15pm on Monday.

He said a total of 140 firefighters from the CFA, DEWLP and Parks Victoria were working to contain the fire.

Two water-bombing aircraft had also been used on the bushfire.

Meanwhile, a caravan has been destroyed by a fire that spread to 17 hectares of bushland in the Indigo Valley near Wodonga this afternoon. The fire started about 3pm.

Twelve CFA trucks and another 12 smaller firefighting vehicles extinguished the fire by 8pm.

"Crews had to use extended hoses to reach the fire front due to the rocky and rugged terrain," District 24 Rostered Duty Officer Brett Myers said.

"CFA crews are monitoring the area using thermal imaging cameras to detect any hot spots through the night. Fire investigators will look to determine the cause first thing tomorrow morning." 
