
Meredith bushfire: 140 firefighters bring blaze under control

More than 100 firefighters battled a bushfire in Meredith State Forest on Monday night, bringing the 16 hectare blaze under control before midnight just a day after 12,000 revellers left the Meredith Music Festival.

The bushfire, which blackened private land as well as state forest, travelled east towards She Oaks and Maude, after it began next to Slate Quarry Road about 6pm on Monday.

A spokesman for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning said the blaze ripped through about 16 hectares, well under early estimates of 50 hectares. 

"The CFA firefighters were released last night and today we will have firefighters patrolling the fire and blacking it out," the spokesman said.

No property was destroyed.

The DELWP spokesman said a total of 140 firefighters from the CFA, DEWLP and Parks Victoria worked to contain the fire and that two water-bombing aircraft had also been used on the bushfire.

Meanwhile, the Mallee, Wimmera and northern country have a total fire ban in force.
