
Seven-hour Melton South siege turns out to be a one-sided affair

Police were left red-faced after a Melton South siege turned out to be a one-sided affair.

For seven hours police attempted to negotiate and coax a person from a house. After receiving no response they eventually stormed the premises, only to find no one home.

The police had been responding to "information regarding a person of interest" in relation to an ongoing investigation, a police spokeswoman said.

"They attended a house on Callanan Drive in Melton just after 9.30am and taking every precaution attempted to call out to anyone inside the house," she said.

"After no response from the property the house was entered and cleared about 4.30pm and no occupants were located inside."

Earlier the spokeswoman said a man was believed to have been alone inside the house. She said Critical Incident Response Team members were negotiating with a man.


Surrounding streets were blocked off, and Seven News reported a school went into lockdown.

After entering the property and clearing the inside, police seized a vehicle and a motorcycle, which were believed to be stolen.

She said as the investigating was ongoing "it would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage".
