The Change Course 2015

change-course-150.jpgPractical skills for advocacy and campaigning 

Are you working on issues in your local community? Would you like to improve your skills to win better campaign outcomes?

This course takes place over one month and is designed to give a broad overview of skills needed to be an effective campaigner.  From community organising, to social media and fundraising, we will give you a great set of tools to take away, increasing your skills, and developing better capacity in the area you work.

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FoEA turns 40

FoEA_40th.jpgThis year Friends of the Earth Australia is turning 40! (Well, actually we're 41 but were too busy last year to organise a party).

Please join us to celebrate four decades of creative resistance and activism working towards environmental and social justice.

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5 steps every #FriendOfFoE needs to take

Are you a #FriendofFoE?Friends of the Earth are under attack. But this is just the beginning of an ideological war by the government against all environmental groups. On the ABC 730 show aired April 10, Liberal MPs Alex Hawke and Matt Canavan singled out Friends of the Earth as the first of 150 groups they would like to see lose its charitable status. This would mean donations would no longer be tax deductible and as FoE stalwart Cam Walker points out, "this would basically mean the political death of our organisation."

The response was nothing short of AMAZING! After the airing of the show, #FriendOfFoE starting trending on Twitter in major cities around the country. But this is just the start of the fight. Here are 5 simple steps you can take to be a #FriendOfFoE:

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Frackman showing in Victoria

frackman_launch.jpgAccidental activist Dayne ‘The Frackman’ Pratzky takes us on a journey through a divided land as we meet people caught up in a modern day multinational gold rush – to secure and exploit coal seam gas.

From conservative landowners, to radical activists and town-dwelling families, this unlikely coalition of Australians has come together to fight for their communities, their health, their land and their future.

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Proposal to ‘refresh’ Plan Melbourne a good move

Melbourne___Yarra_2009_opt.jpgFriends of the Earth welcomes the announcement by the Planning Minister Richard Wynne that he will reappoint the ministerial advisory committee put in place by his predecessor Matthew Guy to write Plan Melbourne.

Plan Melbourne is the key document guiding Melbourne's growth until 2050.

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Red Gum National Park Cattle Ban Welcome

Friends of the Earth Melbourne has congratulated the Andrews Labor Government for putting forward legislation to ban grazing in the Alpine and River Red Gum national parks.

 Barmah Forest

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Gippsland South By-election

With the resignation of Nationals MP Peter Ryan and subsequent by-election this saturday March 14, we are offered an opportunity to remind all parties that the threat of new coal and gas still mobilises the community in rural Victoria.

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