Nationals vote on Unconventional Gas Inquiry a betrayal of rural communities

Ute_sign_East_Gippsland_2014.pngFriends of the Earth media release. May 27, 2015

In an extraordinary move, The Nationals have voted against a Greens Amendment to the Onshore Unconventional Gas Inquiry .

 When the Terms of Reference (TOR) were debated in Parliament last night, The Greens suggested a range of amendments to the TOR:

- looking into the benefits of a permanent ban on unconventional gas in Victoria
- looking into the capacity of regulators to manage the industry effectively
- considering the costs of any clean up after a contamination event

The Greens also proposed to extend the dates of the Inquiry by three months.


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Information session on aerial spraying of herbicides

bright_plantations.jpgInformation session

Bright aerial spraying.

This forum will be an opportunity for residents to hear about the impacts of aerial spraying of the herbicides Clopyralid, Glyphosate and Metsulfuron Methyl in the plantations around Bright and surrounding townships.

Saturday May 16, 4.30pm


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Andrews govt commitment to Vic Renewable Energy Target welcome: Time for Abbott govt to remove roadblocks

884wind-turbine11.jpgFriends of the Earth welcomes the Andrew government's commitment to reinstating a Victorian Renewable Energy Target. 

The organisation, representing thousands of Victorians, join the call for Prime Minister Abbott to remove roadblocks to state leadership on renewable energy.

"The Abbott government is playing politics over the fate of the Renewable Energy Target (RET). Its actions have seen investment collapse by 90 per cent and 2,500 job losses,” says Leigh Ewbank, Friends of the Earth’s renewable energy spokesperson.

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Alcoa coal closure respects community's vision

Anglesea_mine_1969.jpgMay 12, 2015

Renewable energy plan needed to create new jobs.

Alcoa Australia have announced closure of the Anglesea coal mine and power plant on Aug 31 in response to a strong community campaign by Surf Coast Air Action.

Friends of the Earth have been a proud supporter of the Anglesea community in their fight for closing the polluting power plant and protecting public health. 

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Unconventional gas Inquiry gets underway

farmland_film_header.jpgFriends of the Earth media release. May 7, 2015

Friends of the Earth has welcomed the announcement of the process and timelines for the state inquiry into unconventional gas.

“The terms of reference are broad, and the Environment and Planning Committee has the ability to consider any additional issues that are raised during the inquiry” said Friends of the Earth campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker.

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State Budget 2015: First steps towards climate action. Comprehensive plan needed.

wind_energy.jpgFriends of the Earth media release. May 5, 2015

Friends of the Earth today welcomed the Victorian Government’s commitment to renewable energy through its $20 million New Energy Fund and the $200 million Future Industries Fund, which identifies new and emerging technologies that will be supported, including renewables.

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Indigenous Protected Areas under threat from Government cuts

Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) are lands owned by Indigenous people and voluntarily managed for conservation. There are currently 60 declared IPAs, covering land three times the size of Victoria! IPAs are recognised as providing real social, cultural and environmental benefits through providing employment, protection of country and cultural connection to land. But IPA's are under threat.foe-IPA-infographic-WEB.jpg



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