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Archive for November, 2013

Solidarity Books is proud to host the Cork launch of the 2nd Edition of
Sins of the Father: The Decisions that Shaped the Irish Economy
On Thursday 5th December

The event will include a talk from Dr. Conor McCabe, the author of ‘Sins of the Father: The decisions that shaped the Irish economy‘, which analyses the development of the […]

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The following are a series of quotes from recent newspaper articles which show how ‘legal obstacles’ and the constitution are insurmountable barriers to bringing about change, until people try to use the same arguments to challenge the government. Then legal issues that the people’s argument are based upon melt away overnight.
Protection of Life […]

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Full article here.
And in case it ends up behind a paywall…

Wall Street Journal - Inequality - Nov 2013 from Conor McCabe

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Once upon a time in Éire

A link to this video was left in a comment yesterday, happy to give it some coverage.

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As we keep on saying, the blanket guarantee was about giving Anglo Irish Bank access to the short-term money markets - and now we have documents from HM Treasury pretty much confirming it.
Despite this, I know I’m going to have someone telling me it was the Germans wot done us…. anyways, from the […]

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Slides and readings from a lecture on gender, migration and recession by Ursula Barry, Women’s Studies, UCD School of Social Justice, 18 November 2013. Lecture given as part of Gender and the Economy module.

Gender, migration and recession - Ursula Barry, Women's Studies UCD School of Social Justice Nov 2013 from Conor […]

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Welcome to the House of Fun

Report on a conference held in Dublin in January 1985 about the advantages of the Isle of Man as a tax haven for Irish business. There are a couple of strands which find themselves in the IFSC which is formed just two years after this conference - one is the use of “offshore financial centre” […]

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From 1985, Irish Banking Review, talking about how stockbroking was changing and that now stockbrokers are not just agents but position takers in financial markets. Five years later, and three years after the establishment of the IFSC, Dermot Desmond was boasting to Finance Magazine that his firm, NCB Stockbrokers, was a de facto investment bank.

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