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Archive for August, 2009

A new generation of Irishmen are creating a new revolution in Ireland and this time they will not be satisfied with half-measures.”
In the run-up to the 1972 Irish referendum on E.E.C. membership, Official Sinn Féin set up a radio station in Dublin in order to propagate its message for a No vote. The station had […]

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I didn’t get back to my post on all things zombie related. But it seems that there are others who are working the theme for me.
Here’s a series of characteristically dramatic tweets from David McWilliams on NAMA and the banking crisis, which he put out this morning.

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Wilco Will Love You, Baby

From whither sprang the music we might call alt.country? Was it some good ol’ boy accidently feeding back his guitar and secretly liking the noise it made? Did that early pioneer of the west get ridden out of Dodge by his horrified, more traditional-minded bandmates? Did he keep his secret pleasure to himself and live […]

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More clips from The Courier. This one contains a recording of a busker next to the Carmelite Church on Aungier Street, who is playing during the death scene of one of the main characters.
Does anyone remember this guy at all? (The busker, that is, not Andrew Connolly). I get the feeling that he happened […]

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Zombies!! Everywhere!

I don’t know about you, but for the past couple of weeks and perhaps for longer, zombies have been popping up everywhere. Not literally, of course. Zombies don’t exist. They are creatures from popular culture created to scare ourselves by praying on our deepest fears - not only the fear of death itself, but also […]

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I’ve already posted about The Courier (1988), possibly the worst Irish film of all time. However, what I neglected to mention was the tiny role I play in the movie.
About 40 minutes in, the main character is dropping off a package to a video editor. The video he is working on is ‘Burn Clear’ […]

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You don’t have to be a millenarianist to assume that, if the majority of Irish voters say No to Lisbon a second time, the apocalypse won’t be far behind.
Today in the Irish Times we had two associations of a No vote for Lisbon with murder and suicide. The first was a very convoluted suggestion […]

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Or is this decision from Judge John Cooke of the High Court absurd?
Outlining the reasons for his ruling today, Judge John Cooke said the court found there are good grounds to give this second petition a hearing.
The court is satisfied that the material now proffered answers the deficiencies identified by the Supreme Court, Judge […]

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Below is a reproduction of the entry on Irish Trotskyism in Robert Jackson Alexander’s book, International Trotskyism, 1929-1985: A Documented Analysis of the Movement (Durham: Duke University Press, 1991). An edited version of the book, including an edited version of the entry on Ireland, is available on Google Books, here.
The article below is simply […]

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Below are links to a list of 222 left-wing newspapers and periodicals published by Irish social, political and trade union organisations It is an incomplete list, as these lists tend to be, but hopefully a useful one nonetheless. Its weakest point at the moment, I would say, is that there are very few community-based periodicals […]

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