How #Election2016 was Tweeted so far


The historic 2016 U.S. election comes to a close tomorrow as voters across the country head to the polls and exercise their right to vote. This has been called the Twitter Election, with every step of the campaign playing out in Tweets from voters, candidates, and journalists. With one day left until #ElectionDay, we took a look back at how the Twitter Election was actually Tweeted.

People in the U.S. sent 1 billion Tweets about the election since the primary debates began in August of last year.

These are Clinton and Trump’s top three most Retweeted Tweets ever (Note that Clinton’s “delete your account” Tweet was the most Retweeted Tweet of the entire election.)



Below are infographics that take a look back at how the election was Tweeted this year:

Stay tuned for more information tomorrow on #ElectionDay.