Daily Life

'Stop bullying the York family': Duke and Duchess deny spat with Charles over daughters' royal status

Prince Andrew has issued an extraordinary public statement denying there was a rift between himself and the Prince of Wales over the status of Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

Angered at press reports that he wants his daughters to have enhanced public roles and their future husbands to be given earldoms, the Duke tweeted the stories were "completely made up".

The sixth in line to the throne wrote the statement himself, then personally shared it via his official Twitter account. He said he had taken the rare step of issuing a statement in his own name "to terminate further speculation and innuendo".

He went on: "It is a complete fabrication to suggest I have asked for any future husbands of the Princesses to have titles. There is no truth to the story that there could be a split between the Prince of Wales and I over my daughters' participation as Members of the Royal Family and any continued speculation is pointless."

Rather than wanting more public roles for the Princesses, he said he wanted them to be "modern working young women who happen to be members of the Royal Family".

His intervention came hours after his former wife, the Duchess of York, made a plea for people to "stop bullying the York family". As her daughters became patrons of the Teenage Cancer Trust, she called their "hard work" an example of "good parenting".


The Duchess and the two princesses visited a specialist teenage cancer unit in London to mark the occasion. The Duchess said: "Both the Duke and myself, we could not be more proud of this moment because these are two girls that work so hard in their own careers, have taken time off today to spread the word of teen cancer, which is so important, and then go back to work.

"It's really an extraordinary example of, I think, good parenting and listening to your children and getting them to take responsibility for their own actions." She went on: "Let's focus more on this and less on tittle-tattle gossip. Stop bullying the York family, please."

Both princesses have faced criticism over their regular holidays: in one 15-month spell, Eugenie took eight holidays, including in Burma and California. From Dec 2014 to Dec 2015, Beatrice managed 18 trips, to places including the Caribbean, Verbier and Florida.

Telegraph, UK
