(Source: giphy.com)

CR: Can you tell me about the thinking behind using the star? I was reminded of your Clockwork Orange ‘circle’ cover for Penguin. Here, the shape also informs the ‘logotype’ used on the cover – can you tell me about that?

JB: We are, wherever possible, using the ★ for the title. The original idea came out of discussions with Bowie about ways of representing the album, so this is very much his creativity and his direction. But the discussion was partly prompted by a conversation I had with William Burroughs when I met him, which I have told a thousand times for namedrop effect, but did actually finally give me something usable for this project 25 years later.

I asked him about the future of typography and he said that letterforms would go back to hieroglyphs, similar to the ancient Egyptians. You can actually see it happening with the emoji, they are becoming very common with people creating whole narratives out of them, as well as using them in everyday communication. Will there be a time when we use only these to express thought?


The Autumn 2015 issue of the Desert Oracle is now shipping to subscribers and arriving at our retail shops across the desert southwest. Go to http://desertoracle.com to subscribe and find out what’s inside this issue of our 44-page pocket-sized field...

The Autumn 2015 issue of the Desert Oracle is now shipping to subscribers and arriving at our retail shops across the desert southwest. Go to http://desertoracle.com to subscribe and find out what’s inside this issue of our 44-page pocket-sized field guide to the strange & mysterious American Deserts.

Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google... Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google... Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google... Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google... Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google... Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google... Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google... Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google... Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google... Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google...

Blingee, the beloved (?) garbage-gif processor we regularly abused for most of a decade (!) at http://wonkette.com, is now being sent to Hell where it always belonged. Here are some of my favorite Blingees that showed up in the first page of Google image results for “Blingee Wonkette.” Jim Newell made some of these, I made some of them, and Pareene probably made the “best one,” whichever is the “best one.” RIP Blingee, RIP charmingly dumb old Internet of the early 21st Century. One day soon, an app called “Blingee” will appear, I’m sure, and it will allow wealthier people to somehow use poor people to clean your roof or whatever, remotely.

It’s here! The summer issue of the Desert Oracle is out now, and it’s full of strange & interesting tales about the mysterious American Deserts. Head on over to http://desertoracle.com and subscribe, because this is a pocket-sized 44-page magazine...

It’s here! The summer issue of the Desert Oracle is out now, and it’s full of strange & interesting tales about the mysterious American Deserts. Head on over to http://desertoracle.com and subscribe, because this is a pocket-sized 44-page magazine you get in the mail, and then you read it, and it’s a nice use of your time & attention.

I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here. I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here. I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here. I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here. I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here. I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here. I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here. I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here. I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here. I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here.

I hate coming back home, as long as home isn’t out here.

Every day I turn on the radio in the morning, I hear an X-Files story, or I pick up the paper and I see an X-Files story.

The X-Files creator Chris Carter, today.

(Same goes for me, although I don’t have any financial role in the X-Files business. )

“Falcon’s Hive ad
Everything about this sporting-goods circular is done with the kind of attention to detail and niche-market branding conventions limited to only the very finest minds working in the full-color glossy circular... liartownusa:
“Falcon’s Hive ad
Everything about this sporting-goods circular is done with the kind of attention to detail and niche-market branding conventions limited to only the very finest minds working in the full-color glossy circular...


Falcon’s Hive ad

Everything about this sporting-goods circular is done with the kind of attention to detail and niche-market branding conventions limited to only the very finest minds working in the full-color glossy circular industry. (Do not miss the DVD section, or “Mojave” perch.)

This kind of web design persisted well into the 21st Century.

This kind of web design persisted well into the 21st Century.