Trump victory shows hate speech should be unlawful

by Crispin Hull on November 12, 2016

trumpWHEN the parliamentary Human Rights Committee inquires into Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act it should recall the quote from President-elect Donald Trump about Mexicans. [click to continue…]


Disqualification clause gets its Day in court

by Crispin Hull on November 4, 2016

bob-day-senate-960x600TWENTY years ago the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs began inquiring into the section of the Constitution under which two senators are now facing disqualification. [click to continue…]


Federal demand push causes housing crisis

by Crispin Hull on October 29, 2016

housesTREASURER Scott Morrison’s address to Urban Development Institute of Australia this week highlights much of what is has been wrong with Australian politics in the 21 st century. Having identified a “housing affordability” problem (wow!), Morrison did what every federal politician has done since the 1990s – refused to acknowledge the nasty political conundrum by resorting to opaque language; ignored the obvious; and blamed someone else. [click to continue…]


Prosecute Four Corners to prove a point

by Crispin Hull on October 21, 2016

nauruLET’S hope ABC Four Corners journalist Debbie Whitmont and teachers Tracey Donehue and Gabby Sutherland are prosecuted under the 2015 Australian Border Protection Act which provides for up to two years jail for disclosing “protected” information about Australian immigration detention centres. [click to continue…]

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Mainstream media finishes newsworthy Trump

by Crispin Hull on October 14, 2016

washpostDON’T do it, I tell family and friends. Don’t do it, I told my students for a decade or so. On media sites, do not click on bizarre or celebrity articles. “Gorillas bring up baby.” “Angelina’s new heartache.” And so on. All it does is encourage editors to run more of this junk at the expense of concentrating on importance material of consequence as they see these stories top “most hit” lists. [click to continue…]


The warning signs are there for us to ignore

by Crispin Hull on October 6, 2016

loweWe humans can be very stupid at not heeding warnings. And I am one of them. The warning sign was quite clear – a slow, small but relentless water leak on the yacht. [click to continue…]


The importance of religious tolerance

by Crispin Hull on September 29, 2016

clarkDONALD Trump and Pauline Hanson both fail the tests of logic and history when they call for bans on Muslim immigration because of its “threat” to American/Australian or the American/Australian way of life.
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The challenge of the dentally challenged

by Crispin Hull on September 21, 2016

jaws_profile_tempMEDIBANK Private’s decision this week to pay a little bit for dental checkups comes just as I am feeling like “Jaws”, the character in the James Bond movies. [click to continue…]


Exhaust yourself on election day, I say

by Crispin Hull on September 14, 2016

act_electorates_2016NUMBER to the bitter end, I say. The electoral roll for the 15 October ACT election closed this week. As voters make up their minds, the experience of the recent Senate and Northern Territory are instructive. [click to continue…]


Political donation reform can meet constitutional problem

by Crispin Hull on September 9, 2016

high-courtAT LAST some agreement among the three major parties. All agree that it is not acceptable for a frontbencher to take money from a corporation with strong ties to the Chinese Government. And that it is a resigning offence. But something does not quite add up in the case of Senator Sam Dastyari having some expenses paid by the corporation. Why isn’t it equally unacceptable for any Australian MP to take any foreign money? [click to continue…]