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venezuela / colombia / luchas indígenas Thursday December 15, 2016 07:19 by Steven Crux
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Este texto pretende buscar los puentes que existen entre la liberación de la madre tierra y nuestra praxis autónoma y libertaria. Precisamente, ese objetivo no lo plantea una motivación académica sino de acción, de seguir caminando para redescubrir un otro mundo que tejen los pueblos al calor de sus luchas. En ese sentido, la mayor parte de estos análisis surgen de procesos de acompañamiento y estudio mano a mano con los brazos que liberan la tierra, razón por la cual se hace difícil hacer una exhaustiva referencia y bibliografía al respecto, que se espera, pueda ser mayor en un futuro cercano conforme vaya caminando más la palabra.

north america / mexico / workplace struggles Tuesday December 06, 2016 20:23 by Tom Wetzel
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"The claim that "syndicalist unions broke off from mainstream federations to form 'purely revolutionary' unions, cutting themselves off from the mass of workers" doesn't hold up, though it does conform to the Leninist orthodoxy of "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder. There were many countries where the syndicalist unions were the majority--such as Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru and Brazil. Syndicalist unions in South Africa, such as the Industrial Workers of Africa (modeled on the Industrial Workers of the World), were the only unions that organized native African workers, who were excluded from the white craft unions.
At the time of the mass occupation of the factories in Italy in September 1920, the USI (Italian Syndicalist Union) was claiming 800,000 members, and the factory councils formed throughout Italy in those events were mostly organized by the USI. Moreover, it was the anarcho-syndicalists who initiated a militia movement ("arditti del popolo") to fight Mussolini's fascist squads. But the Communists didn't cooperate, and the Socialist Party capitulated to fascism.

mashriq / arabia / iraq / anti-fascism Saturday December 03, 2016 15:14 by Various
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Selection of articles on the murder of anarchist Michael Israel, together with volunteer Anton Leschek, while fighting with the YPG against ISIS fascists in Rojava. They were bombed by Turkish airplanes.


yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / cinsiyet Monday November 28, 2016 16:36 by Anarşist Kadınlar
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17 Kasım günü, AKP’li 6 milletvekilinin hazırlamış olduğu “cinsel istismar” yasa önerisi bu sabah komisyona geri çekilmiş olsa da, gündeme geldiği günden bu yana kadınların tepkisiyle karşı karşıya kalan bu önerinin biz kadınlar için ne demek olduğunu anlamakta fayda var. Hazırlanan öneri ile cinsel ilişkiye rıza yaşını 15’ten 12’ye indirip, sürmekte olan ceza davalarındaki failler ve bundan sonra gerçekleşecek tacizlerin-tecavüzlerin faillerinin, “çocuğun rızası vardır” diyerek cezadan kurtulmasının; cinsel suçların aklanmasının; tacizcilerin ve tecavüzcülerin istismar ettikleri çocuklarla evlendikleri takdirde affedilmesinin; kız çocuklarının 12 yaşından itibaren tacize ve tecavüze maruz bırakılmasının ve çocuk gelinlerin varlığına yasal kılıf uydurulmasının zemini hazırlanmak istenmişti. Henüz bu sabah yasa önerisinin geri çekilmesi ise bir yandan biz kadınların direnerek özgürleşebileceğine dair en somut örneklerden oldu, bir yandan da devletin oyalamacı politikalarının göstergesi.

[English] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano] [Castellano]

france / belgique / luxembourg / anti-fascisme Monday November 21, 2016 16:17 by Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes - Lyon
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La résistance de nos camarades a empêché les fascistes de pénétrer physiquement dans le local, mais n’a pu éviter les dégâts matériels que sont la destruction de la totalité des vitres et d’une partie du volet. Plusieurs personnes ont également subi des blessures légères durant cette agression qui a duré de longues minutes, notamment à cause de projectiles (pierres, outils métalliques, bouteilles en verre) lancés par les fascistes. Lors de leur arrivée puis de leur départ, les fascistes ont hurlé « on est chez nous », « la France au Français » et « morts aux juifs », comme signe de ralliement et de dispersion.
Cette attaque odieuse n’est pas un fait isolé. Près de 20 ans après l’incendie du précédent local de la Plume Noire par l’extrême-droite en 1997, elle s’inscrit dans la montée en puissance actuelle de l’extrême-droite et du fascisme, qui se traduit par une multiplication des agressions contre les minorités, des militantes et militants du mouvement syndical, féministe, antiraciste, LGBT et progressiste.

[English] [Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano] [Nederlands]

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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Mon 19 Dec, 17:30

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