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Asia ACCESS Global MSL Pressure/Thickness/Rainfall +144 hour Chart

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About ACCESS Global

Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS). Based upon the UK Met Office Unified Model system. ACCESS G is the global numerical forecast model operated by the BoM. It is run twice daily (00Z and 12Z) and provides forecast data out to 240 hours with a horizontal resolution of 25km and 70 vertical levels.

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Widespread Lightning for NSW

11:32 EDT

Over 600,000 lightning strikes were recorded yesterday as storms sparked up across NSW.

Hot Christmas weather, fire risk ahead for Victoria, authorities say

10:55 EDT

Hot and windy conditions forecast for Victoria in the coming days will create a serious risk of grass and bushfires, the state's Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley says.

Christmas Eve fog not a Bridgewater Jerry in reverse, weather bureau says

09:34 EDT

A Christmas Eve fog which blanketed the greater Hobart area has been interpreted incorrectly as a reversal of the famous Bridgewater Jerry, the Bureau of Meteorology says.