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Auckland  17/22 
Beijing  4/15 
cloud increasing
Brasilia  20/30 
mostly cloudy
Buenos Aires  20/28 
mostly cloudy
Cape Town  13/25 
Lagos  25/33 
increasing sunshine
London  5/12 
Los Angeles  12/21 
mostly sunny
Mexico City  12/25 
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Moscow  -2/
New Delhi  18/35 
New York  5/
Singapore  24/34 
mostly cloudy
Tokyo  4/11 
Vancouver  4/11 
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Weather Forecasts for Sunday

Station Forecast Min Max Chance of rain UV index
°C °C
Rain 17 22 90% High
Sunny 4 15 30% Moderate
Cloud increasing 20 30 20% High
Buenos Aires
Mostly cloudy 20 28 20% Moderate
Cape Town
Mostly cloudy 13 25 20% Moderate
Thunderstorms 25 33 40% Very High
Increasing sunshine 5 12 20% -
Los Angeles
Sunny 12 21 20% -
Mexico City
Mostly sunny 12 25 10% High
Mostly cloudy -2 6 20% -
New Delhi
Sunny 18 35 5% High
New York
Rain 5 7 90% -
Thunderstorms 24 34 20% High
Mostly cloudy 4 11 90% Moderate
Cloudy 4 11 90% -
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Weather News

Skies light up after storms

08:28 EDT

It was a golden end to a stormy afternoon in many parts of Australia yesterday as the setting sun painted the sky orange.

Sydney weather: Thousands without power after severe storm cuts power to homes

02:04 EDT

Thousands of homes and businesses in Sydney's west will remain without power overnight, following a severe thunderstorm which brought heavy rainfall and damaging winds.

Skies light up after storms

20:44 EDT

It was a golden end to a stormy afternoon in many parts of Australia as the setting sun painted the sky orange.