Fairfax Media Network

Weather Warnings - Total Fire Ban For South Australia

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology
South Australia

Fire Weather Warning
for the North West Pastoral, West Coast, Eastern Eyre Peninsula, Lower Eyre
Peninsula, Flinders, Mid North, Mount Lofty Ranges, Yorke Peninsula, Riverland
and Murraylands forecast districts.

Issued at 4:11 pm CDT on Monday 12 December 2016.

Weather Situation
Hot, windy and dry. North to northwesterly winds 35-45 km/h ahead of a south to
southwesterly change 25-35 km/h in the west, reaching up to 50 km/h near the
change. A few showers and a possible thunderstorm near the change. A possible
shower and thunderstorm developing in the west during the afternoon.

For Tuesday 13 December:

Severe Fire Danger is forecast for the following forecast districts:
North West Pastoral, West Coast, Eastern Eyre Peninsula, Lower Eyre Peninsula,
Flinders, Mid North, Mount Lofty Ranges, Yorke Peninsula, Riverland and

The Country Fire Service advises you to:
- Action your Bushfire Survival Plan now.
- Monitor the fire and weather situation through your local radio station,
www.cfs.sa.gov.au, and www.bom.gov.au.
- Call 000 (Triple Zero) in an emergency.
For information on preparing for bushfires go to www.cfs.sa.gov.au.

The next warning will be issued by 7:00 am CDT Tuesday.

Now Temperature

At Darwin Ap

20:10 CST







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