About Feministing

Feministing is an online community run by and for young feminists. For over a decade, we’ve been offering sharp, uncompromising feminist analysis of everything from pop culture to politics and inspiring young people to make real-world feminist change, online and off.

Our diverse collective of writers cover a broad range of intersectional feminist issues–from campus sexual violence to transgender rights to reproductive justice. We serve as a gateway to the feminist movement for young people, giving our readers ways to take concrete action, as well as connecting them with feminist organizations and grassroots activists. We elevate the work of emerging feminist thinkers by providing an open-platform Community where anyone–from teens to national non-profits–can make their voices heard.

Before commenting or contributing to the Community blog, please check out the comments/Community policy on our FAQs page.

The Feministing crew is made up of more than a dozen editors, columnists, and interns and led by a trio of Executive Directors. Our team is diverse in terms of race, gender, sexual orientation, class background, and geography. We’re supported by a large extended family of former editors and contributors. Go to our individual author pages to learn more about us and contact us.

Feministing Staff

Feministing Emeriti

Feministing is fiscally sponsored by the Center for Sex & Culture, 1349 Mission Street  San Francisco, CA 94103, 415-902-2071