
How virtual reality will change the classroom

Google Inc. Daydream View virtual reality (VR) headsets sit on display during a product launch event in San Francisco, ...

Not content with knowing your innermost thoughts via your keystrokes and internet searches, or knowing your every move through your phone's map app, Google is looking to move into the classroom.

Australian Twitter in 2016: Trump, tragedy and teen heart-throbs

Donald Trump favours Twitter.

Donald Trump, asylum seekers, local music and #auspol were all chief topics of interest among Australian Twitter users in 2016, although as usual they were joined by a wave of memes and a near-incomprehensible amount of love for YouTube celebs turned rock band 5 Seconds of Summer.

Parents as bad as kids when it comes to phone use

How much of your waking life is spent staring at a screen?

Want to get your kids off their phones and back into the real world? A new study suggests that before you launch into the lecture about how you only see the tops of their heads these days, you may want to take stock of what your own technology habits are telling your kids.

Amazon's physical grocery store has no checkouts

Amazon go

Amazon has revealed that it will open a brick-and-mortar grocery store called Amazon Go, an ambitious bid by the once online-only retailer to gobble up more of Americans' shopping dollars by taking the fight more directly to traditional supermarkets.

A new dawn in Pokemon Sun and Moon

Clockwise from top left: Meeting new water Pokemon Popplio; a powerful Totem version of Alolan Raticate; exploring a ...

The popular handheld series has shed a lot of the baggage that was making it feel stale after 20 years, while hanging on to everything that's made it so beloved for so long.