Daily Life


Rogue One may have a female lead, but that does not mean it is female-led

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story premiered in Los Angeles on Saturday night.

The first standalone instalment of the science fiction series, the film stars Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso, a resistance fighter tasked with stealing the plans for the Death Star.

But, as this picture that came out of Saturday night's celebrations reminds us all, just because a film has a female lead, it does not mean that it is female-led.

This is the Rogue One cast and crew shot. There are 21 people in this photo, only three (Jones and producers Kathleen Kennedy and Allison Shearmur) are women.

Rogue One has five writers, all men. It is directed by a man. Both of its executive producers are men.

On the film's IMDB page, Jones is first on the cast list. She is followed by ten men before another woman pops up. 


Needless to say, there are not a lot of women involved in making this movie.

The photo brings back memories of Taylor Swift's speech standing in front of a six-strong, all-male production team at the Grammy awards in February. (1989 co-producer Imogen Heap was unable to attend the awards.)

Accepting the award for Album of the Year, Swift noted she was the first woman to receive the honour twice, before sending out a message to "all the young women out there" to "just focus on the work" and ignore those who try to "undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments".

The comments were interpreted as a response to Kanye West, who had allegedly used her name without permission in a song (for the back story on that, see here). But some pointed out the irony in Swift being held up as a feminist icon while demonstrating that she overwhelmingly chooses to work with men.

Being the only woman (or one of the few women) in the room is hardly a unique experience in Hollywood.

Speaking to Yahoo! while promoting her film A Tale of Love and Darkness in August, Natalie Portman noted that she had been "prevented" from having professional female friendships because she and her female peers "don't get to work with each other a lot".

"I've actually been noticing it a lot even in kids' films recently, how you see even like a cartoon and there's like a girl in it, and we're used to that," she said. "It's a film of all men and then there's a woman. And acting for 20 years, I'm used to that — that I'm the woman on set."

Rogue One is selling itself on its female, action hero lead: Jones' face dominates the film's poster and, in promotional interviews, Jones has stressed the complexity of Jyn's character.

"I've always been a feminist, and what I love in my work is being able to explore a full-sided woman and not patronise her," she told Glamour."Particularly with Jyn, it's such a rare opportunity to be able to play a female who's not just thinking about [romantic] relationships."

But, unfortunately, it's still an opportunity even rarer to do so while surrounded by other women.