
'We don't want them': Relocated Calais migrants meet angry French town residents

Croisilles, France: The protests began even before the migrants had arrived.

"We don't want them!" shouted the demonstrators in this village of 1900 people, 128 kilometres from Calais, where the migrants were bused from the camp known as "the Jungle" .

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The end of Calais' 'Jungle'

French workers begin demolishing the Calais migrant "Jungle", with officials hoping that its thousands of residents evacuate peacefully.

"This is our home!" others yelled at the darkened, disused retirement home where the migrants were being housed. Inside the building, a young Sudanese man pressed his face to the window and looked out at the angry crowd, bemused.

All over France, tiny communities like this one, in the old battlefields of the country's north, are being forced to deal firsthand with Europe's migrant crisis.

It has not been easy. The effort to relocate many of the 6000 or more people who had made the Jungle their home has thrust France's divided view of the migrants into plain view.

On Tuesday, officials began breaking down the Jungle in earnest. Cleaning crews wearing fluorescent orange vests and white hard hats arrived with small bulldozers. They worked their way inward, throwing dirty blankets and mattresses, discarded furniture and tarps into a large container for trash.


It was the second day of a long-awaited operation to clear out the camp and bus hundreds of migrants to temporary housing around the country. The authorities said some 4000 migrants, including 772 minors, had been "sheltered" so far.

Not all of the residents in this village were unwelcoming when the 30 or so migrants arrived on Monday evening. Inside the retirement home, there were smiles from volunteers who had come to greet the young Sudanese men.

French police search through migrant tents at the "Jungle" before authorities demolish the site on Tuesday.
French police search through migrant tents at the "Jungle" before authorities demolish the site on Tuesday. Photo: Getty Images

But outside on the sidewalk, the mood was grim. "No migrants in Croisilles!" read a banner as more than 100 people - men, women and children - milled around. A half-dozen police officers, incongruous in the quiet country town, stood warily by.

"We're not racist!" yelled a man who told the crowd he was a member of the far-right National Front. "We're here to support French identity".

A migrant retrieves his belongings as authorities start to demolish the Jungle camp on Tuesday.
A migrant retrieves his belongings as authorities start to demolish the Jungle camp on Tuesday. Photo: Getty Images

As the demonstration moved to the steps of the city hall, several in the crowd murmured about the potential for rapists and pickpockets among the new arrivals.

"We're against putting migrants all over France," the demonstrator from the National Front yelled to cheers. "It's a time bomb!"

Safi Gulzaman, left, a migrant who was living at the Jungle near Calais, with other migrants arrive at a reception ...
Safi Gulzaman, left, a migrant who was living at the Jungle near Calais, with other migrants arrive at a reception centre in Marseille on Tuesday. Photo: AP

Inside the retirement home, a beaming volunteer sat at a table crowded with migrants.

"We have to come see them regularly, to make sure they eat well," the volunteer said, advising the migrants not to leave the premises for now.

People gather around a fire in the camp known as the Jungle near Calais on Tuesday.
People gather around a fire in the camp known as the Jungle near Calais on Tuesday. Photo: AP

Similar scenes have played out all over France as the government disperses the migrants to more than 450 temporary housing sites in villages, towns and suburbs, from tiny mountain communities to the outskirts of bustling cities like Lyon.

The fix is strictly temporary: The migrants will stay three to six months while they put together asylum applications. Some of these applications will be rejected.

A man runs with a British flag in the Jungle, Calais. Many migrants at the camp want to settle in the UK, not France.
A man runs with a British flag in the Jungle, Calais. Many migrants at the camp want to settle in the UK, not France. Photo: AP

Some places have gritted their collective teeth and accepted the migrants without fuss. Others have haggled over the number and demanded that it be reduced, as in Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois, in the Cevennes mountain range.

In other places, residents, anticipating the migrants' arrival, have hurled stones at the housing sites or set them on fire, as in Loubeyrat, in the Puy-de-Dome department.

A migrant leaving the Jungle, Calais, walks past messages left on tents.
A migrant leaving the Jungle, Calais, walks past messages left on tents. Photo: Getty Images

In Pierrefeu-du-Var, in the south, pro and anti-migrant groups have held duelling demonstrations.

France was a deeply reluctant participant in the German-inspired plan to parcel out the migrant flow all over Europe. But it has been forced to deal with the crisis nonetheless, as a thin trickle of migrants continue to make its way into the country, mostly from Italy.

Crews demolish shelters in the Jungle on Tuesday.
Crews demolish shelters in the Jungle on Tuesday. Photo: AP

With the break-up of the Calais camp, the rest of France has woken up to the fact that it, too, must choose sides.

The divisions have been starkly evident this week in this plain-vanilla brick village, once an agricultural centre. It was levelled by the Germans in World War I, then rebuilt, and is now largely a bedroom community for the nearby regional capital, Arras.

The Socialist mayor of Croisilles, Gerard Due, calmly welcomed the migrants as the demonstrators yelled outside.

"'Liberty, equality, fraternity' is inscribed on the front of every city hall," he said in an interview in his office. "That's what the Republic is all about."

Those opposed to the migrants, he said, were "5 per cent, at most" of his town. Yet he also recounted his astonishment that 250 people had turned out against the migrants at a City Council meeting. The demonstrators threw eggs at his house one recent Saturday.

Yet he said he was not afraid of the political consequences of his decision to welcome the migrants. "The Republic asks you to do something, and so you should do it," he said.

But it has been hard. "It's been hell here," said Raphaelle Maggiotto, a City Council member and an ally of the mayor. She had not slept in days. "Demonstrations every day. They came to my home. They yelled my name."

On Tuesday morning, the central square, with its monument to the World War I dead and its 1920s Art Deco city hall, was calm after the previous evening's noisy demonstration.

"The village is divided," said Sebastien Okoniewski, who runs the cafe in the square.

All around him, his customers grumbled about the new arrivals, but his own name testified to the immigration - a Polish influx in the early 20th century, along with Italians and Portuguese - that has shaped their region.

"They arrived from the Jungle in white trousers! Not a scratch on them," said Christian Saillot, settling down to a half-pint of lager. "And they weren't even searched," he added angrily.

"They don't have the same mentality as us," said Alain Debas, a retired sailor.

None of Okoniewski's customers expressed support for the migrants on Tuesday morning.

"There is hatred in Croisilles," said a volunteer at the retirement home, Guislane Poutrain. "I've never seen this before. I don't recognise Croisilles anymore. I'm really disappointed."

Inside the retirement home, however, the new arrivals were all smiles - something rarely seen in the Jungle.

Their new home was clean, warm and well-lit. They were far from the Jungle's cold, filth, misery and hunger, and they were happy.

"Everybody here welcomed us," said Abdullah Ahmed, a 24-year-old from Sudan's Darfur region, just after arriving Monday evening. "We have a bed to sleep in here. There are showers here."

New York Times