Spies replace vampires in Stephenie Meyer's new thriller, The Chemist

This was published 3 years ago

Spies replace vampires in Stephenie Meyer's new thriller, The Chemist

Stephenie Meyer's millions of fans have come to expect certain supernatural flourishes from her novels, which feature shape-shifters, vampires and werewolves, even vampire-werewolf hybrids. (Her 2008 novel, The Host, centred on parasitic aliens that occupy human bodies, and even that was too blandly terrestrial for some readers.)

So a lot of fans were surprised to learn that her new book, The Chemist, is a grisly, twisted thriller about a highly skilled female interrogator who goes into hiding after her bosses at a secret government agency try to kill her.

Author Stephenie Meyer consulted biochemists and molecular biologists on unusual ways to kill and torture her characters.

Author Stephenie Meyer consulted biochemists and molecular biologists on unusual ways to kill and torture her characters.Credit:Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images

It is a stark and unexpected departure for Meyer, whose young-adult vampire novels have sold more than 155 million copies globally and helped spur an entire booming subgenre called paranormal romance. Twilight became one of the publishing industry's most lucrative entertainment franchises, with four novels, a companion novella and five blockbuster films. The movies have made more than $3 billion worldwide, and that's not even counting all the "Team Jacob" and "Team Edward" T-shirts and other merchandise.

So why did Meyer decide to write a pulpy spy thriller, an ultramasculine genre that is notoriously tough to break into, particularly for female authors?


"I get a little bored," she said in a telephone interview from her home in Arizona. "Stories kind of run out, and you want to do something very different. It's like, after ice cream, you want pretzels."

The novel's wily protagonist, who goes by Alex, is a brilliant, paranoid chemist, trained to torture terrorism suspects with her excruciating artisanal chemical cocktails. After her department head turns against her, she teams up with Kevin, a former CIA operative who's also on the run from his bosses. Their bold escape plan becomes more complicated when Alex falls in love with Kevin's identical twin, Daniel. Gunbattles, narrow escapes, kidnappings, disguises, torture and assassinations ensue.

Some "Twi-hards" have lashed out, complaining that Meyer should focus on finishing Midnight Sun, her stalled retelling of Twilight from the vampire Edward's perspective. "I will probably NEVER pick up a book by her again unless it's Midnight Sun," one Twilight reader wrote on the website Goodreads.

But Meyer, 42, seems to have vampire fatigue. Tellingly, the cover of The Chemist makes no mention of Twilight. She says she's given up trying to please her devotees or appease her critics, who are numerous and vocal.

"When a book comes out, and it's not Midnight Sun, people are unhappy," Meyer said.

She has tried to insulate herself from such pressures. After releasing five novels in five years, she devoted much of the next decade to producing films.

She rarely holds book signings, and no longer reads reviews or online comments about herself. "At first I read everything, and I learned that was not superhealthy," she said.

Meyer has ventured into a new genre before with The Host, her science fiction novel and her first book for adults. It sold 6.5 million copies worldwide – just a fraction of her Twilight sales.

The Chemist is an even bigger leap, as Meyer tries to gain a toehold in a genre dominated by brand-name authors such as Lee Child and Daniel Silva.

Meyer got the idea for The Chemist in 2010, during a freezing, rainy overnight shoot for Breaking Dawn, the fourth Twilight film, in British Columbia. Shivering in front of the movie monitors, Meyer thought of a female agent – part Jason Bourne, part Bill Nye the Science Guy – who has a peculiar talent for torturing people. A few years later she returned to the idea. She keeps vampire-like work hours – a residual habit from when she began writing Twilight while she and her husband were raising their three sons – and worked on The Chemist from 9pm until 3am. The plot flowed quickly, but she struggled at times to devise unusual ways to kill, maim and torture people, so she consulted several experts in biochemistry and molecular biology.

Meyer is mulling over her next project. One idea that she's kicking around involves writing something completely different again: a high fantasy, set in a world of darkness and suffering, where there's magic accessible to only a few. It probably won't appeal to those who still want more vampires.

The New York Times

The Chemist

Stephenie Meyer

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