Behind the scenes of running a record label, with Elefant Traks' Tim Levinson

Behind the scenes of running a record label, with Elefant Traks' Tim Levinson

The sleepy-eyed look might suggest otherwise but Tim Levinson has no time to dawdle, no time to travel, no time to lounge over lunch.

With a new song from his fifth solo album, under his nom-de-rap Urthboy, coming out the same week as the 18th birthday celebration of his label, Elefant Traks, he is a managing director who can't spare the time to go any further than the Roastville Cafe around the corner from the Elefant Traks office in a pocket of Marrickville that sits tightly between remnants of old industrial and prospects of renewed residential.

Tough calls: Tim Levinson, aka Urthboy, is happy making the hard decisions that come with his various roles at Elefant Traks.

Tough calls: Tim Levinson, aka Urthboy, is happy making the hard decisions that come with his various roles at Elefant Traks. Credit:Edwina Pickles

Mind you, he's a managing director in black cap only slightly off-centre, a loose purple T-shirt and black shorts, with sandals. There's a fairly simple elephant tattoo on his right upper arm and very fair and surprisingly long eyelashes, paired with equally soft eyes.

None of this may fit the bill for someone this week ranked at 30 in the 50 most powerful people of Australian music, a chancy, wholly unscientific but still widely read list compiled by the Australian Music Industry Directory. And Levinson, who doesn't get near a shout on record or in person, but does admit that "I won't stay away from a good stoush", would quietly snort at the notion that he's powerful.

Tim Levinson, seen during a Keep Sydney Open rally, has been ranked at 30 in the 50 most powerful people of Australian music.

Tim Levinson, seen during a Keep Sydney Open rally, has been ranked at 30 in the 50 most powerful people of Australian music.Credit:Getty Images

However, the directory said of him "not necessarily an agitator, but when he speaks people listen" and whether on industry panels, as part of reform movements at the ARIA Awards or as a regular judge of (and occasional nominee in) the Australian Music Prize, this much is incontrovertible.

Roastville is the venue for the weekly Elefant Traks meeting, a chance to "talk shit, work out what we've done over the weekend and eventually get to the nuts and bolts of the business". He reluctantly accepts that he runs the meeting, "to some extent", but says it's an open-plan meeting for an open-plan business that counts among its roster the electronic duo Hermitude, winners of the eighth Australian Music Prize and schoolboy friends of Levinson, Sikh Australian rapper L-Fresh The Lion, Asian-Australian artists Joelistics and Unkle Ho, Indigenous musician Jimblah and former Herd member Ozi Batla, songwriter/vocalist Jane Tyrrell and the highly touted cross-cultural duo Horrorshow.

"Everybody's got an opinion on how things should be done but when it comes to us and the internal dynamics of Elefant Traks, everyone shares a fairly equal role in influencing our decisions," says Levinson, who was brought in to help run ET by its founder Kenny Sabir when they were part of the label's first act, the groundbreaking hip-hop crew the Herd.

"It comes back down to me. It's probably fair to say that I will drive things but I think that's more to do with my personality, being [he grins at the absurdity] an aggressive, volatile, outspoken dictator."

Elefant Traks artist Hermitude won the eighth Australian Music Prize.

Elefant Traks artist Hermitude won the eighth Australian Music Prize.Credit:Getty Images

A few hours after this week's meeting, Levinson is back and on his third coffee, trying to pretend the heat and humidity aren't sapping the energy out of the day. Though I periodically duck my head almost into my sous vide chermoula chicken salad at every plane passing overhead, , they don't register at all for him. While he grew up in the Blue Mountains, Levinson has lived in the inner city for almost two decades.

Did he grow up as a decision maker or was it, like the inner city life he now leads with his wife and daughter, something he grew into?

Adit Gauchan (left) and Nick Bryant-Smith, the highly touted cross-cultural duo Horrorshow.

Adit Gauchan (left) and Nick Bryant-Smith, the highly touted cross-cultural duo Horrorshow.

"I think part of it is I'm predisposed to being a bit more decisive. I don't think I make better decisions or anything but my personality has more often than not led me down that path," the one-time advertising and public relations student says over his very-Marrickville lunch of kimchi waffles (fried chicken, sriracha, kewie mayo rocket and shaved parmesan). "So I often clash with opinionated people because when you are in a contest of ideas sometimes it's hard to know whether it's wisdom or pride that is guiding you."

His longest running colleague and friend within Elefant Traks, art director and production manager Dale Harrison, is also his most frequent intellectual combatant. "There's no way that I would ever be able to sway his opinions," he says. He also cites their younger publicity manager Caitlin McGregor as "very much an equal" in input and influence, even though she doesn't have the same 18 years in Elefant Traks.

Indigenous artist Jimblah is on the Elefant Traks label.

Indigenous artist Jimblah is on the Elefant Traks label.Credit:Marco Del Grande

In a committee-led process that can, he confesses, be "excruciating", clashes are "inevitable and sometimes they can lead to good things; sometimes they are really obstructive".

"The Herd is a classic example because we've never had a James Brown [leader figure]. We've always been egalitarian in the way we see things and come back to a conversation before every decision. Quite often that's led us to a much better outcome."

Sikh Australian rapper L-Fresh the Lion is part of the weekly Elefant Traks' meetings.

Sikh Australian rapper L-Fresh the Lion is part of the weekly Elefant Traks' meetings.Credit:Christopher Woe

Amusingly or appropriately, as he explains this the cafe's sound system is piping through I Want You (She's So Heavy) by the most famous egalitarian-turned-dysfunctional act in pop history, the Beatles.

Levinson is taken back a little when asked how much of this drive for inclusiveness can be traced back to his mother, who brought him up after her marriage split, and about whom he has written some of his most tender lyrics.

"In ways that maybe I haven't analysed, yeah, I'm sure," he says. "One thing I always remember is Mum would always insist on not talking badly about my dad. That was always an instructive lesson for me because it taught me that despite all the turbulence and heat in that situation, Mum wouldn't let that be used as a tool of division. As a kid, you're waiting for that parental approval, that 'yes I give you permission to hate your dad'. That feeling was already there [in him] but she never stoked it at all. I don't know what that has taught me in business but that is one thing that lights up the world view that I have."

Except of course he does want to run his business the way he runs his relationships. While playing three roles at Elefant Traks – manager of acts including Horrorshow; the label's best known artist; and its MD – is time consuming and occasionally conflicting, he does have a reputation for being a fair operator, a decent one even (it "depends who you speak to", he says with a laugh).

"It's one of my faults not having that psychopathic detachment [of the classic business leader]. I don't say that like 'gee I'm a good guy', I say that in that I can acknowledge that a certain amount [of that] quality can be very beneficial in not going to sleep stressing out about not being able to please everybody, when what you do means inevitably not everybody is going to be happy," says Levinson.

"But at the same time, don't get me wrong, I am comfortable with having to be the one who has to make the tough call. It's part of the responsibilities."

With that he's off, ducking back around from busy Victoria Street and back into the relative calm of the never comfortably settled Elefant Traks collective.

Elefant Traks 18th Birthday Party is at Max Watts, Moore Park, December 10.

Since joining Fairfax in 1992, Bernard has been an editor and written on education, roads and local politics. These days, he specialises in music and is the senior music writer and reviewer.