
Suppliers on edge after Woolworths wins cash-demand case

The grocery industry is wary of the consequences of a Federal Court ruling that Woolworths did not behave unconscionably by demanding as much as $60 million in cash from suppliers to plug a profit shortfall.

The decision has left suppliers on watch, particularly as the big chains cull product lines, said Gary Dawson, chief executive of the Australian Food and Grocery Council. The council represents packaged food, drink and grocery manufacturers.

"We will obviously keep a close eye on how the retailers respond to this judgment," Mr Dawson said. "We think it would be pretty appalling if it were seen as a green light to do the same thing again."

And he said the behaviour detailed in the court case would arguably fall foul of the new Food and Grocery Code of Conduct, which sets minimum standards for how retailers and wholesalers deal with each other.

"Clearly the whole point of what has been happening over the past few years is trying to improve supplier relationships," Mr Dawson said.

"Some members have reflected on the fact that Woolworths management and its chairman [Gordon Cairns] are saying they will be held to a higher standard in the future. We're looking to them to make good on that commitment."


Relations between the big chains and suppliers became heated as supermarkets squeezed suppliers to boost profit margins.

Even big suppliers to supermarkets struggle to sign contracts with the  supermarkets.

The year's biggest float, chicken processor Ingham's, which supplies Woolworths, said up until about 18 months before its float it did most of its business on "uncontracted deals." 

A float hopeful, dried fruit company Murray River Organics, says a significant portion of its revenue comes from "uncontracted customer relationships".

Mr Dawson said the code encouraged "a written contract to ensure greater certainty and transparency.

"But of course it doesn't change the disparity in bargaining power ... "

A "contrite" Coles admitted to 15 instances of unconscionable conduct against eight suppliers in late 2014.

Days later, Fairfax Media revealed that Woolworths suppliers were told their products could be pulled from shelves just days before Christmas if they refused to fund the supermarket giant's new advertising campaign.

This led the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to pursue Woolworths for unconscionable conduct. The ACCC will decide next year whether to appeal Thursday's decision.

Federal Court judge David Yates  said he was not satisfied "in light of all the circumstances brought forward that Woolworths' design or implementation of the Mind the Gap scheme was unconscionable, as the ACCC has alleged".

"I accept Woolworths' submission that a party's 'legitimate interests' will extend to include its interest in pursuing its lawful business in a profitable way and in a manner that minimises its costs.

"I am satisfied that the 'asks' made of suppliers, as part of that co-ordinated approach, were typical of the approaches for financial support and negotiations that took place between Woolworths and various suppliers at other times and on other occasions, albeit that the approaches and negotiations at those times and on those occasions were not part of a co-ordinated approach across the whole of the Woolworths Supermarkets business.

"I'm not satisfied Woolworths has contravened section 21 of the Australian Consumer Law as alleged."
