- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 443042
The Roman Empire (Latin: Imperium Rōmānum; Classical Latin: [ɪmˈpɛ.ri.ũː roːˈmaː.nũː] Ancient and Medieval Greek: Βασιλεία τῶν Ῥωμαίων, tr. Basileia tōn Rhōmaiōn) was the post-Roman Republic period of the ancient Roman civilization, characterized by government headed by emperors and large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. The extended city of Rome was the largest city in the world c. 100 BC – c. 400 AD, with Constantinople (New Rome) becoming the largest around 500 AD, and the Empire's populace grew to an estimated 50 to 90 million inhabitants (roughly 20% of the world's population at the time). The 500-year-old republic which preceded it was severely destabilized in a series of civil wars and political conflict, during which Julius Caesar was appointed as perpetual dictator and then assassinated in 44 BC. Civil wars and executions continued, culminating in the victory of Octavian, Caesar's adopted son, over Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC and the annexation of Egypt. Octavian's power was now unassailable and in 27 BC the Roman Senate formally granted him overarching power and the new title Augustus, effectively marking the end of the Roman Republic.
A Roman or Romans is a thing or person of or from the city of Rome
Roman or Romans may also refer to:
Crash Course (also known as Driving Academy) is a 1988 made for television teen film directed by Oz Scott.
Crash Course centers on a group of high schoolers in a driver’s education class; many for the second or third time. The recently divorced teacher, super-passive Larry Pearl, is on thin ice with the football fanatic principal, Principal Paulson, who is being pressured by the district superintendent to raise driver’s education completion rates or lose his coveted football program. With this in mind, Principal Paulson and his assistant, with a secret desire for his job, Abner Frasier, hire an outside driver’s education instructor with a very tough reputation, Edna Savage, aka E.W. Savage, who quickly takes control of the class.
The plot focuses mostly on the students and their interactions with their teachers and each other. In the beginning, Rico is the loner with just a few friends, Chadley is the bookish nerd with few friends who longs to be cool and also longs to be a part of Vanessa’s life who is the young, friendly and attractive girl who had to fake her mother’s signature on her driver’s education permission slip. Kichi is the hip-hop Asian kid who often raps what he has to say and constantly flirts with Maria, the rich foreign girl who thinks that the right-of-way on the roadways always goes to (insert awesomely fake foreign Latino accent) “my father’s limo”. Finally you have stereotypical football meathead J.J., who needs to pass his English exam to keep his eligibility and constantly asks out and gets rejected by Alice, the tomboy whose father owns “Santini & Son” Concrete Company. Alice is portrayed as being the “son” her father wanted.
World history, global history or transnational history (not to be confused with diplomatic or international history) is a field of historical study that emerged as a distinct academic field in the 1980s. It examines history from a global perspective. It is not to be confused with comparative history, which, like world history, deals with the history of multiple cultures on a global scale. World historians use a thematic approach, with two major focal points: integration (how processes of world history have drawn people of the world together) and difference (how patterns of world history reveal the diversity of the human experiences).
one mob
The study of world history, as distinct from national history, has existed in many world cultures. However, early forms of world history were not truly global, and were limited to only the regions known by the historian.
In Ancient China, Chinese world history, that of China and the surrounding people of East Asia, was based on the dynastic cycle articulated by Sima Qian in circa 100 BC. Sima Qian's model is based on the Mandate of Heaven. Rulers rise when they united China, then are overthrown when a ruling dynasty became corrupt. Each new dynasty begins virtuous and strong, but then decays, provoking the transfer of Heaven's mandate to a new ruler. The test of virtue in a new dynasty is success in being obeyed by China and neighboring barbarians. After 2000 years Sima Qian's model still dominates scholarship, although the dynastic cycle is no longer used for modern Chinese history.
An empire is defined as "an aggregate of nations or people ruled over by an emperor or other powerful sovereign or government, usually a territory of greater extent than a kingdom, as the former British Empire, French Empire, Spanish Empire, Russian Empire, Byzantine Empire or Roman Empire." An empire can be made solely of contiguous territories such as the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or of territories far remote from the homeland, such as a colonial empire.
Aside from the more formal usage, the term "empire" can also be used to refer to a large-scale business enterprise (e.g. a transnational corporation), a political organisation controlled by a single individual (a political boss) or a group (political bosses). The term "empire" is associated with other words such as imperialism, colonialism, and globalization. Empire is often used to describe a displeasure to overpowering situations. The effects of imperialism exist throughout the world today.
An imperial political structure can be established and maintained in two ways: (i) as a territorial empire of direct conquest and control with force or (ii) as a coercive, hegemonic empire of indirect conquest and control with power. The former method provides greater tribute and direct political control, yet limits further expansion because it absorbs military forces to fixed garrisons. The latter method provides less tribute and indirect control, but avails military forces for further expansion. Territorial empires (e.g., the Mongol Empire and Median Empire) tend to be contiguous areas. The term, on occasion, has been applied to maritime empires or thalassocracies, (e.g., the Athenian and British empires) with looser structures and more scattered territories. Empires are usually larger than kingdoms.
Ancient Rome (1of8): The Rise of the Roman Empire
The Story of Roman Empire Full BBC documentary
The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10
What if the Roman Empire Reunited Today?
Roman Empire Reign of Blood | NETFLIX Offical Trailer [HD]
THE ROMAN EMPIRE: CALIGULA and 1400 Days of Terror
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
History: The Roman Empire Documentary
Fall of The Roman Empire...in the 15th Century: Crash Course World History #12
CRAZIEST Things Acient Romans Did!
Two thousand years ago, one civilisation held the entire Western world in its grasp. From Northern Europe to Africa and the Middle East. It imposed laws, ideas and a single language. Rome was the super power of the ancient world. Indeed later super powers never stopped learning the lessons of her spectacular rise and fall. Rome truly was a colossal empire. During the rise of the Roman Empire, it was not always easy to separate virtue from vice, or hero from villain. Indeed, all too often, they were one and the same. Rome was still an adolescent discovering who it wanted to be, and its dream of greatness was a prlude to a nightmare. It was not for another 100 years that the state would mature and commit to one enduring view of itself. It would be the army, more than any other force that was...
In which John Green explores exactly when Rome went from being the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. Here's a hint: it had something to do with Julius Caesar, but maybe less than you think. Find out how Caesar came to rule the empire, what led to him getting stabbed 23 times on the floor of the senate, and what happened in the scramble for power after his assassination. John covers Rome's transition from city-state to dominant force in the Mediterranean in less than 12 minutes. Well, Rome's expansion took hundreds of years, he just explains it in under 12 minutes. The senate, the people, Rome, the caesarian section, the Julian calendar and our old friend Pompey all make appearances, but NOT the Caesar Salad, as Julius had nothing to do with it. Crash Course World History is now availabl...
The Roman Empire was one of the largest and most influential civilizations that ever existed. But what if somehow in today's current global age, the Empire was recreated to its exact ancient borders? What would the country look like today in the 21st century, and how would it compare to other countries across the world? This video attempts to find out! Music is by the wonderful Ross Bugden, please check out his channel here for more music like this! Ross Bugden channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQKGLOK2FqmVgVwYferltKQ?spfreload=5 Song is titled Olympus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnmglWHoVrk
Roman Empire Reign of Blood | NETFLIX Offical Trailer [HD] NOW ON NETFLIX
Caligula (Latin: Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus;[1] 31 August 12 AD -- 22 January 41 AD), also known as Gaius, was Roman Emperor from 37 AD to 41 AD. Caligula was a member of the house of rulers conventionally known as the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Caligula's father Germanicus, the nephew and adopted son of Emperor Tiberius, was a very successful general and one of Rome's most beloved public figures. The young Gaius earned the nickname Caligula (meaning "little soldier's boot", the diminutive form of caliga, n. hob-nailed military boot) from his father's soldiers while accompanying him during his campaigns in Germania. When Germanicus died at Antioch in 19 AD, his wife Agrippina the Elder returned to Rome with her six children where she became entangled in an increasingly bitter fe...
SEE AN UPDATED AND BETTER ONE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5zYpWcz1-E
Beginning in the eighth century B.C., Ancient Rome grew from a small town on central Italy’s Tiber River into an empire that at its peak encompassed most of continental Europe, Britain, much of western Asia, northern Africa and the Mediterranean islands. Among the many legacies of Roman dominance are the widespread use of the Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian) derived from Latin, the modern Western alphabet and calendar and the emergence of Christianity as a major world religion. After 450 years as a republic, Rome became an empire in the wake of Julius Caesar’s rise and fall in the first century B.C. The long and triumphant reign of its first emperor, Augustus, began a golden age of peace and prosperity; by contrast, the empire’s decline and fall by the ...
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-world-history-the-complete-series-dvd-set to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about the fall of the Roman Empire, which happened considerably later than you may have been told. While the Western Roman Empire fell to barbarians in 476 CE, the Byzantines in Constantinople continued the Eastern Empire nicely, calling themselves Romans for a further 1000 years. Find out what Justinian and the r...
Here is a top list of 20 history facts you probably didn't know about the ancient Roman Empire. From bloody gladiator fights at the colosseum to insane emperors drinking poison. From women sporting a unibrow to gluttony to the point of vomiting. Find out what Julius Caesar and the Senate were really up to. Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Watch our "Top 5 Most Mysterious and Powerful Secret Societies" video here: https://youtu.be/0Lu4Uvc5EhA Watch our "Burning Ghost Town In Centralia, Pennsylvania" video here: https://youtu.be/6DYoXGGHLLA Watch our "Most SHOCKING Biological Weapons Ever!" video here: https://youtu.be/W0Yli9y7YAk List of top 20 craziest things the Romans did: Did you know that drinking gladiator blood could cure epilepsy? Or that unibrows are actually se...
The Roman Empire Episode 1 The Rise of the Roman Empire Documentary
When the clock strikes 6 we strike and strike quick
Let me hear it loud say it I'd die for my clique
This ya' boy right here Hystwizzle
Yo' what's the chance of you survivin' once spits dampen ya' eyelids
Damage ya' iris rupture glands ya' plannin' to cry with
Trample your squadron leave ample time to respond with
Calmly I vomit the sickest quotes the god in the makin'
Precision what? fathom my gimmick this tiny voice is monstrous
It pass as a concious inside a walkman
Rivals often testin' Hyst push VI aside
Spits hittin' high bitch who's quick to die
Fist to ya' stomach I'll have guys spittin' they lunches
Anyone who rap rhyme or spit can get they Tampons
Ripped bronzed and reinserted among the emergin' forces bitch
You can't fuck around with Culture VI
Ayo' the patterns have shifted the techtonic plates have reversed
And now they floatin off the face of the earth
You have been given the curse of the one embracin' me first
Muscle strands emerge resemblin' masonry work
Basically you catch the Madagascar hissing cockroach injection
Speach ceases when you notice you can't stop the throat infection
deadin' ya' parts barge in a stadium with a jar of Urianium
Shrapnell's caught in ya cranium
I guess you got alot on your mind
So I'm a just AHHH! nigga Culture! stop and rewind
When I'm slayin' rappers cuz only science display the factors
Cuz I write raps so that they rhyme when you play 'em backwards
What? you can't fuck around with Culture VI
Dehydrated but I'm still spittin'
B J the black Jesus fly description I flow sick you can't
You can't find a prescription it's unfortune
Caught my first body killed my own seed abortion
H2O on any track scorchin'
Gimme an el a couple of minutes to get my thoughts in
Strugglin' with alcoholism I can't control it
Drinkin' like 28 Days Sandra Bollick
Gangster but I still can admit when I'm afraid
Watch me ride a beat like a surfer ride a wave
Oh man body lookin' like Conan
Plus I'm a dread like I'm part of Dave Mathews band
I'm still young half of 46
Still wanna come Brolik and Culture VI
Oh I ain't nice yeah right ya' gotta get ya' ears fixed
You can't fuck around with Culture VI
Juganot with bare hands disassemblin' brick walls my clique
Depicts spear chuckin' Spics with crossbows
And big balls goin' to war with bare toes
And ripped clothes eliminating enemy tri folds
Forget it don't try to set it you'll regret it
Commentators never seen a K O so poetic
You'll be needin' some local anesthetic cuz your pathetic
Beggin' for a medic with a double doctrines and prosthetics
No wins all you got is 20 pounds worth of screws and pins
Connectin' mechanical limbs verbal whirlwinds
Make heads spin then I rip skeletal frames and veins
What remains is loose skin
Rap prodigy lyrical anomoly
The majority of emcees get dizzy tryin' to follow me
Complex down to the cerebral cortex