Regional News

  1. Italy new Government

    Italian President Sergio Mattarella asks Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni to try to form a new government.

  2. Trump dismisses hacking reports

    Donald Trump rejects as "ridiculous" reported US intelligence findings that Russia intervened in the presidential election on his behalf.

  3. Syrian army advances

    Islamic State militants reportedly seize the ancient Syrian town of Palmyra despite a wave of Russian airstrikes.

  1. Solomons' disaster preparedness

    Disaster preparedness in Solomon Islands saved lives after two major quakes struck the nation, World Vision says.

  2. Jakarta bomb attack foiled

    Police in Jakarta say they have foiled a plot by extremists to detonate a bomb at the presidential palace.

  3. Anti-Park rallies resume

    Protesters demanding South Korean President Park Geun-hye step down march for a seventh straight weekend.

  1. Bellamy's trading halt

    Tasmanian baby formula company Bellamy's Organic is put in a trading halt after its share price plummets.

  2. India's currency recall

    More than one month after India announced a withdrawal of most of the currency from the country's economy, people are questioning if the disruption could cause more harm than good.

  3. Power grid upgrade

    A report by the nation's energy regulator recommends a multi-billion-dollar investment in electricity infrastructure to help secure the stability of Australia's power grid.

  4. Western Sydney airport signed off

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Federal Infrastructure Minister Paul Fletcher will sign the Badgerys Creek Airport Plan today, the official green light for the project.

  1. Aussie players unfussed about facing ex spot fixer Amir

    Many words have been used to described Pakistan paceman Mohammed Amir but "another player" appears to be the catchcry Australia will stick with.

  2. What were the best sporting hissy fits of 2016?

    The year 2016 has famously been one chock-full of fairy tales, but it was superbly balanced by overpaid athletes losing their collective marbles in terrific meltdowns.

  1. Adelaide student goes from Afghanistan danger to academic accolades

    Ali Wahidi arrived in Australia from Afghanistan without a word of English, but at 17 he has graduated from his Adelaide secondary school as dux by winning the academic prizes in each of his subjects.

  2. The Queenslanders who made us smile this year

    The past year has been full of Queenslanders who went above and beyond the call of duty. These are the men, women, children (and some animals) who made headlines for all the right reasons.

  3. Man opens up birthday to anyone never invited to a party

    An Adelaide father chooses 100 guests for his birthday party next weekend after a social media post attracts a huge response from people never lucky enough to have been to one.

  1. Finding festive season joy

    Putting your values and the people you love most at the top of your 'to-do list' could help put the joy back into the holiday season.

  2. Bingeing vs boozing every day

    A glass or two of wine with dinner every day or binge drinking once a week: what are the different ways they affect your health?

  3. Pets and mental illness

    Pets can play an important role in the daily management of long-term mental illness, a new study finds.

  1. New Murray Goulburn boss

    Former SABMiller executive Ari Mervis appointed the new chief executive and managing director of the embattled processor.

  2. Bellamy's trading halt

    Tasmanian baby formula company Bellamy's Organic is put in a trading halt after its share price plummets.

  3. Ausveg's new chief executive

    The vegetable lobby group Ausveg chooses a fertiliser executive as its next chief executive.