
  • Crowd funds musical tribute to Australians who died in France in WWI Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 12, 2016 08:44:00

    A crowdfunding campaign has been launched to raise money for a musical project paying tribute to Australians who died in a little known town in France during World War I. The works have been inspired by the poems that 20 year old Joshua Clifford wrote after a recent visit to the battlefields of the Somme. If enough money is raised, the finished pieces will be performed at the Trenches Festival in Australia next year as part of World War 1 commemorations.

    Topics: world-war-1, france, australia

  • Australian cars dirtier and less fuel efficient than manufacturers claim, says research Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 12, 2016 08:23:00 | Updated December 12, 2016 08:41:00

    The Australian Automobile Association has released research it says casts serious doubt on the use of laboratory testing of the fuel use and emission profile of cars. The motoring body has released preliminary results into a study it commissioned, which compared real world testing of fuel use and exhaust emissions to the claims of car manufacturers.

    Topics: air-pollution, automotive, climate-change, pollution, australia

  • Australia's cherry season, a tale of two fortunes Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 12, 2016 07:39:00

    Western Australia's cherry farmers are in the middle of a bumper harvest, while growers on the eastern seaboard have been hit hard by unseasonal weather. Overall, this year's crop is being described as 'the most expensive in history' for growers, meaning cherries won't be cheap this Christmas.

    Topics: fruit, agricultural-crops, weather, manjimup-6258

  • Public housing residents want to light up the skyline Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 12, 2016 07:33:00 | Updated December 12, 2016 07:48:00

    A group of public housing residents in inner-city Waterloo in Sydney want to set-up one of the largest art-installation projects the country has ever seen. Residents of one of the country's largest housing commission estates will be displaced and sent to other parts of the city. when the suburb is redeveloped. The 'We Live Here Project' plans to put mood lights in the windows of these towers to draw attention to what is happening.

    Topics: housing, welfare, waterloo-2017

  • India's economy at risk as cash crisis continues Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 12, 2016 07:32:00

    Questions are being raised about the government response to the turmoil caused by India's cash crisis. Economists say the decision to withdraw high value banknotes from circulation in order to fight corruption, now risks damaging India's fast growing economy.

    Topics: money-and-monetary-policy, world-politics, india

  • Trump hints at plans for a second term Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 12, 2016 07:32:00

    The US President-elect Donald Trump has rejected as ridiculous a reported CIA assessment that Russia interfered to help get him elected. In a wide-ranging television interview, Mr Trump has also defended his phone call with the President of Taiwan that put China offside, saying he has no obligation to abide by the One-China policy.

    Topics: united-states

  • Care Leavers fear return to institutionalisation Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 12, 2016 07:31:00

    Australians who grew up in state care say they are increasingly distressed about the prospect of having to return to an institutional setting in old age. Participants in a national study by the UNSW said they would rather die than return to care. In a report being launched today, the study authors are calling for care leavers to be given special needs status and tailored services to reflect mental and material needs found to be significantly higher than the general population.

    Topics: older-people, welfare, children, australia

  • Labor: No need to wait to introduce family violence leave Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 12, 2016 06:49:00 | Updated December 12, 2016 06:59:00

    The Federal Opposition says the Government could introduce family or domestic violence leave for most Australian workers through the National Employment Standards, if it was committed to offering women more support. However, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann says it's not something the government is 'attracted to' because it would impact on Australia's international competitiveness.

    Topics: industrial-relations, domestic-violence, women, australia

  • Church collapse kills at least 160 in Nigeria Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 12, 2016 06:47:00 | Updated December 12, 2016 07:00:00

    An investigation has been launched after the roof of a church in Nigeria collapsed, killing at least 160 people. The parishioners had gathered for the ordination of a Bishop. It's the second church related building collapse in two years in a country notorious for shoddy building practices and corrupt officials.

    Topics: building-and-construction, religion-and-beliefs, corruption, nigeria

  • Award winning British journalist detained in Kenya without explanation Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 10, 2016 08:43:00

    Jerome Starkey is the correspondent for the Times of London and he was returning from the UK when he was detained on Thursday night. Mr Starkey has reported from across sub-Saharan Africa and he's also been a war correspondent in the Middle East. The British High Commission says it is providing assistance to the 35-year-old. ABC Africa Correspondent, Martin Cuddihy, has been speaking to Mr Starkey from his holding cell at Nairobi's International Airport.

    Topics: journalism, kenya

  • Dreamworld reopens for first time after tragedy Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 10, 2016 08:43:00

    Gold Coast theme park Dreamworld will reopen today, six weeks after a horrific accident on a water ride which killed four people. The theme park has dubbed it the 'Open Hearts Open Doors weekend' with $25 from every entry ticket donated to the Red Cross and distributed to those affected by the tragedy. Some locals are concerned about the flow-on effects to the tourism industry, and how long it will take for Dreamworld and the Gold Coast's broader theme park industry to recover.

    Topics: tourism, death, australia

  • More than 22,000 displaced in wake of Aceh earthquakes Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 10, 2016 08:42:00

    The full impact of the earthquake that hit Aceh this week is only now truly coming to light. The death toll remains at 100 but the number of those displaced has doubled from earlier estimates to more than 22,000. The quake has robbed many of them of the homes and their livelihoods.

    Topics: earthquake, aceh, indonesia

  • South Korean politicians vote to impeach President Park Geun-hye amidst corruption scandal Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 10, 2016 08:41:00

    South Korean politicians have voted to impeach President Park Geun-hye who's is embroiled in a shocking corruption scandal. It's a stunning fall for the country's first female President who four years ago started office with high expectations of increasing equality and ending corruption. And it's the first time in the country's history that a leader has been forced out of office, in shame. It's now up to the Constitutional Court to decide if it will uphold the motion a process that could take up to 180 days.

    Topics: world-politics, corruption, korea-democratic-people-s-republic-of

  • 'A stream of falsehoods': Russian authorities react to World Anti-Doping Agency report Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 10, 2016 08:40:00 | Updated December 10, 2016 08:42:00

    The much anticipated report from the World Anti-Doping Agency reveals over 1,000 high level athletes across 30 sports have taken part in what it calls an 'institutional conspiracy'. The report found systematic doping and cover up dates back to 2011. The Russian Sports Ministry have denied that there's any serious doping problem in Russia, and has stated its readiness to cooperate with international organisations. Russian parliamentarians have criticised the scrutiny on Russia, saying the report is politically motived.

    Topics: doping-in-sports, russian-federation

  • World Anti-Doping Agency report finds Russian elite athlete doping an 'institutional conspiracy' Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 10, 2016 08:40:00 | Updated December 10, 2016 08:41:00

    A much anticipated report for the World Anti-Doping Agency has revealed more than 1,000 high level Russian athletes across 30 sports were involved in systematic doping and a cover-up dating back at least to 2011. The report's author Professor Richard McLaren says he's uncovered evidence that the Russian team corrupted the 2012 London Olympics 'on an unprecedented scale, the extent of which will probably never be established.'

    Topics: australia

  • State and Territory leaders agree to reclassify Adler shotgun Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 10, 2016 08:39:00

    After a long impasse, state and territory leaders reached consensus on classifying the controversial high powered Adler shotgun. It means the Federal Government's import ban on the weapon can be lifted but the seven-round Adler is to be placed in the most restrictive category, so that only professional shooters will be allowed to own one. The classification needs to be passed by each State and Territory Parliaments. Some believe that could prove difficult in Queensland and at least one Nationals' Senator is urging her state counterparts to vote against it.

    Topics: australia

  • Federal Govt urged to consider the evidence on carbon trading Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 10, 2016 08:38:00

    A group representing electricity consumers is urging the Federal Government to leave all options on the table, when it comes to planning Australia's energy future. Yesterday's Council of Australian Governments Meeting in Canberra ended in acrimony, with the states and the Commonwealth divided over whether putting a price on carbon pollution would drive power prices up or down. The Prime Minister argues it would lead to higher prices - while others including the Chief Scientist say the opposite.

    Topics: climate-change, environmental-management, environmental-policy, australia

  • COAG delays decision on domestic violence leave Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 10, 2016 08:37:00

    A meeting of the nation's state and federal political leaders have delayed making a decision on a national agreement for paid domestic violence leave. The Council of Australian Governments says they will re-visit the issue after the Fair Work Commission decides if the entitlement should be included in all modern awards.

    Topics: states-and-territories, domestic-violence, federal---state-issues, australia

  • PM: Full Program Audio

    Posted December 09, 2016 21:19:00

    On Friday's program: the Federal Treasurer approves the sale of Australia's biggest agricultural property, S Kidman and Co, to a joint venture between mining magnate Gina Rinehart and a Chinese company; and we look at correspondence obtained by the ABC that reveals an exodus of key scientists from the chemical regulation authority at the centre of claims of political pork barrelling.

    Topics: australia

  • NT Government drafting abortion law reforms to allow RU486 access Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 09, 2016 21:19:00

    Women in the Northern Territory could soon have greater access to abortions, under new legislation being drafted by the Territory Government. At the moment, the Northern Territory is the only jurisdiction in Australia where all termination procedures must take place in a public hospital. That includes medical abortions using drugs like RU486, which has been available to women living in other parts of the country for a decade.

    Topics: abortion, australia

  • Thai Govt vows to take action against international media in breach of royal defamation laws Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 09, 2016 21:19:00

    Thailand's military government has vowed to take action against international media organisations that breach the country's harsh royal defamation laws and against citizens share the reports online. The threat comes after the first arrest for l�se majest� since the new king ascended the throne. The student could spend 15 years in jail for sharing a BBC profile of the King on Facebook

    Topics: royal-and-imperial-matters, thailand

  • Freo council bows to Federal pressure re Australia Day citizenship ceremony Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 09, 2016 21:19:00

    Pressure from the Federal Government has encouraged the City of Fremantle in Western Australia to re-schedule its Australia Day citizenship ceremony next month. The Fremantle council has axed its broader Australia Day festivities in favour of what it calls a 'culturally-inclusive celebration' which will be held two days later. But after federal intervention the city has backed down and will go ahead with a citizenship ceremony on the 26th of January.

    Topics: australia-day, australia

  • Video game helps soothe dementia agitation Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 09, 2016 21:19:00

    Alzheimer's Australia has found a virtual reality game helps calm people with dementia when they're agitated. A survey of two nursing homes where the game played has shown anti-psychotic drug use decreasing.

    Topics: alzheimers-and-dementia, games, australia

  • Famous stock index hovering around same level as just before crash of 1929 Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 09, 2016 18:24:00 | Updated December 09, 2016 18:30:00

    An index used to work out whether the stock market is about to fall over, is now hovering around the levels it was before the great crash of 1929. The man who developed the index, Robert Shiller, says Wall Street still has room to rise in the short term under President-elect Donald Trump. But traders are already warning of a 'day of reckoning'.

    Topics: stockmarket, australia

  • Queensland's corruption watchdog finds fraud risk within police unit Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted December 09, 2016 18:23:00 | Updated December 09, 2016 18:25:00

    Queensland's Crime and Corruption Commission has found the state's police-led anti-fraud unit has been involved in questionable spending and poor financial management. 'Project Synergy' was set up to raise money for fraud prevention programs but the commission found its fundraising activities had not followed due procedure. A criminologist says the project should be abolished altogether and the process started all over again.

    Topics: corruption, police, australia