

  1. Return of the blacksmith

    For decades Australia's manufacturing has been in decline, but there's a fightback underway inside a non-descript inner-city warehouse.

  2. Which firms pay no tax?

    The Australian Tax Office has named 670 large companies that paid no corporate tax in the 2014-15 financial year. Search the data to see who's paying what.

  3. Lingerie firm branded sexist

    A group of former Honey Birdette employees have burned their bras in protest over a "sexist dress code" and working conditions at the company.

  4. Government's limitless cash

    The Government cannot run out of money, and at times like this — when it saves instead of spending — the only thing that can make the economy grow is if households do the borrowing.

  5. Twitter and investors

    Social media can influence investor decisions in an unequal way and whether the company intends it or not, research finds.

  6. Memories v money

    An investment adviser says Australians should be prioritising memories over buying stuff this Christmas.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Mon Dec 12 2016 11:59:30 GMT+1100 (AEDT))
Index Opening Closing Change
5615.80 5639.30 0.4%
5560.60 5582.70 0.4%
2072.70 2077.40 0.2%
8989.60 9248.90 2.9%
6433.70 6466.10 0.5%
19173.10 18993.30 -0.9%
775.90 779.70 0.5%
9876.60 9912.70 0.4%
5126.70 5119.50 -0.1%
8542.20 8548.10 0.1%
1755.40 1760.30 0.3%
7590.40 7662.00 0.9%
2325.80 2327.10 0.1%

Last updated

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