- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 407447
Bacterial vaginosis (BV), also known as vaginal bacteriosis or Gardnerella vaginitis, is a disease of the vagina caused by excessive growth of bacteria. Common symptoms include increased vaginal discharge that often smells like fish. The discharge is usually white or gray in color. Burning with urination may occur. Itching is uncommon. Occasionally there may be no symptoms. Having BV increases the risk of infection by a number of other sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS. It also increases the risk of early delivery among pregnant women.
BV is caused by an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina. There is a change in the most common type of bacteria and a hundred to thousandfold increase in total numbers of bacteria present. Typically bacteria other than Lactobaccili become more common. Risk factors include douching, new or multiple sex partners, antibiotics, and using an intrauterine device among others. However, it is not considered a sexually transmitted infection. Diagnosis is suspected based on the symptoms and may be verified by testing the vaginal discharge and finding a higher than normal vaginal pH and large numbers of bacteria. BV is often confused with a vaginal yeast infection or infection with Trichomonas.
How I Naturally Cured My Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) *Requested* (part 1)
Talking Tom 2. b bv. k jbhh
Home remedies for BV
Do you have BV And what is the root cause
مواقف محرجة وفضائح للمذيعات والمذيعين على المباشر BV
Cure Your Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)!! | 20MinutesOfMeTime Vlog
B.V. - Boca Virgem
Bv cure
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a common problem that most women suffer with. I naturally cured myself from BV. I was also a sufferer for many years. My doctor told me once got BV I will always have BV. Well...I proved him wrong and hopefully many other ladies will be able to do the same. I hope this helps any sufferers. To watch Part 2 of the BV series : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clkiIXsHoXg To Watch The Answering Your BV Frequently Asked Question Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_4200263947&feature;=iv&src;_vid=clkiIXsHoXg&v;=X_ZfoWA9ieg If You'd Like Me To Answer Any BV Questions, please Facebook me here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gethealthywithjass/1013258472047507 how to cure BV,how to cure bacterial vaginosis,how to naturally cure BV,how to natur...
Suffer from BV symptoms? Try these home remedies for BV by Nutritionist & Acupuncturist, Melissa Ramos SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO GET MORE THERAPEUTIC LOVE: http://www.youtube.com/mssexyfoodtherapy RECEIVE MORE FREE TOOLS ON MY SITE: http://www.sexyfoodtherapy.com GET MY FREE SMOOTHIE GUIDE HERE: http://www.sexyfoodtherapy.com/smoothie-squeeze FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK & GET SOME MORE GREAT TOOLS & RECIPES: http://www.facebook.com/sexyfoodtherapy FOLLOW MY RAMBLINGS ON TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/sexyfoodtherapy FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/sexyfoodtherapy
http://www.thebacterialvaginosis.com presents the root causes of BV. The video goes on to explain why taking antibiotics for a long period to cure BV is a dangerous idea.
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***INTENDED FOR WOMEN*** GUYS BEWARE! Unless you want to give your girl this remedy for vaginal odor. She should appreciate it. Easily treat or cure BV naturally without the use of prescription medications. See results in as little as four days! Watch & Learn! Hope it helps! #20minutesofmetime ***Here's the link to the Vitamin D on Amazon*** https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00F45EQ4W?ie=UTF8 Hear what I'm listening to on Spotify! http://spoti.fi/1TR0bJ6 #20minutesofmetime Twitter: @20minutes4me IG: 20minutes4me PlayStation 4 gamer tag: CombatRi Cool boards on my Pinterest: 20minutes4me Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107229048046503765494/107229048046503765494/posts/p/pub Email: ineed@20minutesofmetime.com
Vídeo realizado na escola Independência um dos vencedores do Festival de vídeo estudantil de Pelotas 2012. Nosso novo projeto Sem HPV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYemJn9fszM
Clique aqui: http://goo.gl/EIQ2E1 para fazer parte da família. … e lembre-se, o seu joinha pode mudar a minha vida. ● Snapchat: Sangerine O DIA QUE EU MENSTRUEI NA ESCOLA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8-x7V-pEjo Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/sangerine Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sangerine Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sangerine ✉️ Caixa Postal: Sandra Landeiro Caixa Postal 176 Tubarão - SC CEP: 88701-970 ↓ outra conta no Youtube http://youtube.com/SangeLand ★ ★ ★ MAIS!? ★ ★ ★ ・Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SandraLandeiro ・Tumblr: http://sangerine.tumblr.com ・Flickr: http://flickr.com/sangerine ・Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/photos/sangerine ・Deviantart: http://sangerine.deviantart.com ・Skoob: http://skoob.com.br/usuario/1122349 ★ Músicas e Efeitos Sonoros por: App...
Baby I don't need to know who
Your big love was yesterday
Oh, and there's no way to tell
If you and I are gonna
Make it all the way
'Cause what is past is past
And what will last
Mmm, girl, it's gonna last
All that matters
Is today and tomorrow
Baby, baby, maybe just today
The times they are a changing
Girl, with ever quickening speed
Ah, but today I wanna give you all
The love and laughter that you need
'Cause what is done is done
And what's to come
Mmm, baby, let it come
All that matters
Is today and tomorrow
Baby, baby, maybe just today
Don't be afraid to live for the moment
Trust me and love me this way
If you keep looking back or thinking ahead
Baby, we're gonna miss out on today
'Cause what is past is past
And what will last
Mmm, girl, it's gonna last
All that matters
Is today and tomorrow
Baby, baby, maybe just today
All that matters
Is today and tomorrow
Baby, baby, maybe just today
All that matters
Is today and tomorrow