Getty Images/iStockphoto
Seventy-five percent of Aussies are struggling to get to, or stay asleep each night.
Howard Shooter
Experts agree it can start as young as two.
Tara Moore via Getty Images
The holidays are here. You get to see family, eat lots of great food, take some time off work ― and you get to sleep in Aunt Franny's third guest bedroom. (That's the one with the uncomfortable futon...
Gregg DeGuire via Getty Images
There's more evidence today than ever before that sleep ― and more specifically getting enough of it ― is a key pillar of staying healthy. Snoozing seven to nine hours per night (what experts recommen...
Tetra Images
Yes, the stockings work. And no, they're not just for people with varicose veins.
XiXinXing via Getty Images
You'll eat more junk too.
Adam Hester
Short-sightedness is on the rise.
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Now meth addiction is to be trialed with the jet lag staples of exercise and sleep.
Warner Bros
Your boss will never know.
Getty Images
You can decide for yourself whether screen time before sleep is a good idea.
Monkey Business Images/Stockbroker via Getty Images
And six other new recommendations new parents should know about safe infant sleep practices.
Buena Vista Images via Getty Images
New research is poking holes in old studies about willpower.
paulo fernandes via Getty Images
A new study breaks it down.