The Britta Bottle

The Person Behind the Blog:

Hello there, I’m Britta! I’m a twenty-something Minnesota transplant to Washington, DC. I grew up in the Midwest, moved to Thailand for six months, and shortly after decided to chase my dream to live and work in DC.

I’m an avid reader and a self-proclaimed history nerd, a vegetarian (okay a pescetarian, but a lot of people don’t know what that means), and a connoisseur of good beer and anything that includes Jameson Whiskey. I also love to yoga and have developed an affinity for running over the past couple years (which is rather surprising, given that the mile run was my arch nemesis throughout my elementary and middle school years).

I’m a dreamer and a wanderer: part homebody, part traveler; an introvert with extreme extroverted tendencies. I would classify myself as highly sensitive, but I don’t let that stop me from seizing opportunities as they come.

Where will I end up in this life thing? Beats me, but I’m excited for the ride.

The Blog: 

This virtual space has been a lot of things: a sanctuary of self-expression as I continue to learn and grow, a place to practice creative writing and showcase amateur photography, an area to document my travels, and an entity where I can force myself to keep writing in this increasingly busy, non-stop world we live in. Honestly, I don’t know what to classify this blog as–is it a lifestyle blog? A travel blog? A personal blog? A creative writing blog? In reality, it’s a little bit of all of that…and more importantly, it’s 100% me–my thoughts, my dreams, my worries, you name it. I don’t have any particular direction here, so expect anything. Really, anything. I can be painstakingly honest here and I don’t hold back. I write what I feel and feel what I write.

Join me if you please!

Interested in connecting with me elsewhere? Visit me on Instagram and Goodreads!

Simultaneously fulfilling my history nerd status and my wanderlust at Sukhothai Historical Park, Sukhothai, Thailand


86 thoughts on “The Britta Bottle

    1. No way! I tell people in the Twin Cities that I go to Morris and I still get weird looks. Most people have no idea this place exists (though I did find out that one of the employees at the National Postal Museum graduated from Morris on the last day of my internship there…go figure).

      You’re welcome and thank you for taking a look at my blog.I think the concept behind Three Daily Delights is really cool and I look forward to hearing more!


  1. Hello Britta…

    Here’s a little message from Türkiye to say “thank you”. I appreciate your recent ‘follow’, knowing how many interesting and entertaining blogs there are out there.

    Blogging since June 2013, my little corner of the world tries to offer an eclectic smattering of posts, from basic amateur photography, to sharing my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on our fruit farm in southern Turkey. I also throw in a few of my observations on life and lighter-hearted stuff for good measure.

    You are more than welcome to have a look around, stay a while and have a trawl through my small collection. There are plenty of drop-down categories within the menu bar to help in said digging process. Of course, if you have any comments, suggestions or concerns, feel free to let me know – I’m not easily offended🙂

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…



  2. I hope you stop by my blog. I joined in the challenge too. Even after four years of blogging and going to college. I finally graduated and now have more time to dedicate to my readers and want to learn so here I am as well. Great blog so far, keep up the great work, you have more comments than I DO! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much! I accept. I don’t know if I will get around to writing a post about it anytime soon because I’ve been super busy, but thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoy my blog.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re quite welcome, Britta! I also wanted to officially tell you that I’d nominated you–even though I knew that you’d already seen my blog post.🙂 Happy blogging! I’m excited to see what your answers are to my questions.😀

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Britta, I’ve nominated you for the 5 Days Challenge. The details are on my Snapshots, Snippets and Scribbles blog ( ). I chose to nominate you, because I think you might be someone who would find this one fun. If you don’t think it will be fun for you, please don’t feel like you must do it. I was thinking this may be a good project to do with your haiku. In fact, I’m thinking of doing haiku on day 3 of mine. Cheers!


    1. Thank you for the nomination, Amy! I will gladly accept–I’ve seen it going around the last few days and thought it sounded fun. I’m leaving for a spring break trip on Saturday, so I’m going to hold off starting this challenge until I get back, but I’m looking forward to it and I’m sure I’ll get plenty of ideas on my trip!🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awesome! I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with. A spring break trip should give you a chance to snap lots of photos too. BTW, I waited a week after I was nominated to start posting too. I was busy with the poetry stuff.


    1. Thanks Briana. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my blog so far. I’m graduated from college now, but I’m sure I’ll post some reminiscences now and then. College is one step behind me at this point and I have so many more steps to take.🙂


  4. Britta, Jennifer Nicole Wells:, started a new zine called fēlan: I know you will be super busy setting up your new life but you have until Oct 30th to submit for “Fear” and December 31st for “Joy”. I think you would be a perfect contributor. And don’t tell me you can’t take good pictures. I’ve seen them and you have a very good eye -and practice makes perfect.


    1. Thanks so much for inviting me along for these.
      I will definitely be making time for blogging despite everything I have going on with my training course. It’s such a stress reliever for me and I’ve had a bit of a hard time adjusting since being here. I’ll check these links out when I have a bit more time and see what I can do.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! I’m not doing too much traveling right now, but I will have posts coming soon about recent trips…and hopefully much more traveling will come in the future. Thanks for the follow!

      Liked by 1 person

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