Billions for poles and wires reveal new energy price pressures

Power lines leading to the smelter at Portland.
Power lines leading to the smelter at Portland. Joe Armao

The energy regulator has backed the building of new infrastructure with a multibillion-dollar price tag to stabilise the national energy grid.

The plan, to deal with the uncertainty over intermittent renewable energy such as wind and solar, poses a new political headache for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull about who would pay after he last week closed down the option of the cheapest policy for shifting away from coal-fired power.

Mr Turnbull has portrayed his rejection last week of proposals – including from the Finkel review and other policy advisers – for an emissions intensity scheme for the electricity sector as one based on protecting Australians from increased power bills.

But the spectre of increased charges has now emerged around new interconnectors between eastern states recommended by the Australian Energy Market Operator, and who pays for them.

In a report to be published on Monday, AEMO, which runs the national electricity and gas market, found a new interconnector linking SA with either NSW or Victoria from 2021 and a second Bass Strait interconnector to Tasmania from 2025 would be needed for a reliable and secure energy network.

The new connections, including strengthening the existing link between NSW and Queensland, are expected to cost between $500 million and $1 billion each.

Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg backed the push for building more interconnectors, but would not back them being funded by the Commonwealth, saying they were a state responsibility.

"Greater connectivity between states with interconnectors is a good thing but it's always been a question of who pays," he told The Australian Financial Review.

There is a history of the federal government helping to fund interconnectors going back to the Keating government, in the interests of creating a more competitive electricity market, and some Canberra sources are not ruling out some federal contribution.

As recently as June, a study commissioned by the government recommended the Australian and Tasmanian governments back a second interconnector to the island state and argued for the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to be "actively involved in the process from the start, bringing its expertise, analytical and financial capacity to the decision making process".

The infrastructure could be built by the private sector. The question would become what return would be offered for whoever built them. Any regulated prices would be passed straight on to consumers.

AEMO chairman Tony Marxsen said modelling showed interconnectors would improve system resilience as well as connect renewables to the National Electricity Market.

"In short, we're projecting that a more decentralised grid must be a more interconnected grid," Dr Marxsen said. "We are going to need more interconnectors to get the full benefits of a decentralised grid."

Supporters of the interconnectors argue that they could assist a market-based solution to renewable energy investment – without formal targets –  because they would allow the market to determine the most efficient place for renewable energy assets to be built, confident that the power from them could be transmitted across the country.

Critics of new interconnectors, including the Australian Energy Council, said they were expensive and take too long (five to seven years) to build, and could be outdated by the time they are operational, given the fast-pace of new technologies such as battery storage.

But Dr Marxsen said AEMO modelling took into account all factors, including costs, and found there would net benefits by the time by building more links between states.

"Taking the long-term view of two decades, we're finding a combination of the augmentation of the grid would deliver benefits to Australia," he said.

But Dr Marxsen admitted the costs of the regulated assets were likely to be borne by consumers in the form of higher electricity bills, but the regulator has called for full contestability in the delivery of the interconnectors. Transmission contestability only applies in Victoria at present.

"We strongly believe in a fully contestable regime. We believe there is no substitute for direct, competitive procurement. If it's built by a regulated monopoly then the cost of it goes onto its asset base and they are allowed to take a regulated rate of return on that [by passing it onto their customers]," he said.

The interconnectors, such as the one proposed from NSW to South Australia, would also connect new renewable projects in regional Australia onto the national grid.

The AEMO report, which looked at developments in the electricity grid over the next 20 years, said other new technologies, such as synchronous condensers, would be needed in the NEM to deal with the withdrawal of the more reliable coal and gas generators.

At the moment, coal and gas generators provide a steady reliable supply of electricity – keeping the grid at the required frequency of 50 hertz – something that is a challenge for wind and solar plants that do not produce any power when there is no wind or the sun is not shining.

AEMO predicted coal generation would fall from 74 per cent of NEM generation in 2016-17 to 24 per cent in 2035-36, increasing the need for frequency and voltage support from other sources to maintain a reliable supply.