Richard Buxton: fund managers don’t rip off their clients

Head of Old Mutual Global Investors defends the investment industry after FCA review

Charitable fund managers channel Elvis and promise abseiling

Sponsored ‘silly challenges’ aim to raise £1m for cancer research

EU rivals eye £1.2tn asset pot in UK as Brexit looms

Uncertainty over future passporting rights puts mandates for European clients at risk

The curious case of the emerging market equity fund

Steve Johnson uncovers the link between state-owned enterprises and outperformance

Danish pension fund halves outsourced money

ATP will take £2.2bn from external asset managers to manage in-house

This week’s cartoon: December 12

Charitable fun managers

Technology will not replace humans in the financial markets

People are still the best judges of soft data, says Man GLG’s Pierre-Henri Flamand

Movers & shakers: December 12

Columbia Threadneedle has appointed Michelle Scrimgeour as chief executive for Emea

The week’s news in brief: December 12

BlackRock says the ECB should use its asset-purchase programme to fund infrastructure

Obama’s environmental whiplash for US carmakers

Trump may find EPA fuel-economy standards have surprising longevity, says John Dizard

ETFs: everywhere but not yet a systemic risk

Odd conduct of funds focused on gold mining highlight case for regulatory review

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