This 3-year-old and his carrots will put a smile on your face

Sometimes – okay, often – we're left scratching our heads over the things our little kids do.

From falling in love with items not intended as playthings, becoming obsessed with random local celebrities, and having very set ideas on who is allowed to sing certain nursery rhymes, toddlers can have a very funny way of looking at the world.

That's something one dad from Utah has learnt this week, when his three-year-old son got up to some hilarious mischief in the kitchen.

Samson Olive told Buzzfeed News that he and his wife were peeling carrots for a roast dinner when he realised the vegies were "starting to disappear".

Samson turned around to find this sight:

Yes, his young son, Patimiosi – known as Osi – had been quickly and silently placing carrots around the kitchen. Specifically, on all the drawer handles.

Samson said he has "no idea" why his son had done it, adding, "The motive of a three-year-old, I guess!"

"All Osi could do was jump up and down and scream, 'Yay!'" Samson said.

"Obviously, he was pretty excited about it ... Yeah, he was extremely proud of himself."


So many questions, so few answers.
After the story was shared on Twitter Osi gained a legion of fans, with thousands retweeting and commenting on the post.

And what happened to the random carrots? "We left them up for a bit, and then he eventually took them down, and then we cut them up and put them in our dinner," Samson said.

"It was just the random quirkiness of a little three-year-old."