Education: kids need more exposure to deep conceptual learing

Our children's wellbeing relies on developing deep conceptual knowledge in key areas rather than shallow knowledge in ...
Our children's wellbeing relies on developing deep conceptual knowledge in key areas rather than shallow knowledge in many areas, argue Ben Jensen and his colleagues. Nic Walker
by Ben Jensen, Katie Roberts-Hull and Samara Cooper

The popular narrative for the success of future generations of Australians is that our strong mining and farming sectors will be complemented by growth in high value-add service and related STEM industries. We tell ourselves our comparative advantage lies not only in our land but also in a highly skilled, adaptable workforce.

Two international assessments of our primary and secondary school students show this popular narrative is becoming a fairytale. If current trends continue, OECD and World Bank research shows our children will be working in an Australian economy trying to compete in low-cost, low value-add industries. The negative impact on national wellbeing will be enormous.

The Trends in International Maths and Science Study (TIMSS) shows the relative performance of our primary school students continues to decline; there are now 27 systems (out of 49) around the world which are ahead of us in grade 4 maths. The OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) showed a significant absolute decline in reading, maths, and science performance of our secondary school students.

Australian student knowledge of maths is particularly alarming. In 2003, PISA showed one in five students performed in the highest levels. Now, one in five students are low performers: their maths proficiency is too low to enable them to participate effectively and productively in life. In fact, there are now twice as many low performers (22 per cent) as high performers (11 per cent) in this country.

TPut simply, we don't show enough respect for the complexity of teaching maths and we certainly don't show enough ...
TPut simply, we don't show enough respect for the complexity of teaching maths and we certainly don't show enough respect for the complexity of primary school teaching.

Low maths performers can at best employ basic formulas and procedures, but cannot make sequential decisions in problem solving or handle complex situations. High math performers have the deep conceptual understanding and can apply their understanding in complex and fast-changing environments.

It won't come as a shock to anyone that OECD research shows income growth globally is increasingly concentrated in high performers: people who are adaptable and can apply deep conceptual understanding.

Employees with basic procedural knowledge are struggling; their jobs are either being automated or outsourced. Unfortunately, our STEM debate often increases attention in schools on low-level procedural knowledge. When we allocate resources to various IT activities or the use of iPads, we are not addressing foundational issues with maths and science teaching.

Our children's wellbeing relies on developing deep conceptual knowledge in key areas rather than shallow knowledge in many areas. It is useless to teach youngsters computer programming if they don't understand foundational mathematics concepts. This means we must realise that not every STEM initiative is good.

In primary schools, STEM should be mainly about mathematics. The teaching of science in primary schools is often concentrated on procedural knowledge (e.g. can you name the planets) rather than conceptual knowledge. Developing a deep conceptual knowledge in foundational areas of maths is vital for a meaningful understanding of science, technology, engineering and mathematical skills in later years.

TIMSS test and the results
TIMSS test and the results

Results show that too many of our students learn maths procedures but don't understand why the procedures work. For example, students learn the procedure to "borrow" during subtraction, but don't understand that this is tied to a basic principle of mathematics: that larger numbers can be decomposed into smaller numbers (e.g. 10s into ones). Shallow memorisation of steps to get the right answers does not produce the flexible conceptual knowledge needed to succeed at higher levels of learning. Deeper knowledge means building on the procedural knowledge to then understand the underlying mathematical concepts.

This is more than just a "back to basics" approach for instruction because it requires us to redefine what the basics are. This requires us to reconceptualise primary school teaching.

The main reason countries like Japan and Singapore produce the highest-performing students in the world is because they prioritise developing deep conceptual knowledge, especially in primary school. They are able to do this because they understand the complexity in teaching foundational mathematics concepts. They know that this requires specialised subject knowledge which is different than for teaching reading or writing.

It seems obvious that teachers should know the subjects they are teaching, but mastery of, for example, teaching grade 4 maths, goes much further than having the general knowledge that most adults have. Teachers need a much deeper understanding of foundational mathematical concepts to be able to "unpack" procedures for students and show why they work. They need to anticipate student thinking and understand why some students don't understand key concepts. Teachers need to know at which age students can conceptualise different ideas and how new lessons will interact with prior knowledge.

None of this is easy. Teachers in top systems are trained with a much greater emphasis on subject-specific teaching. Many then work in schools where they teach only a few subjects in which they have specialised. Primary maths teachers have years of training in the foundational maths which they teach. In contrast, a grade 4 teacher in Australia receives much less subject-specific training and is required to teach virtually all subjects.

Put simply, we don't show enough respect for the complexity of teaching maths and we certainly don't show enough respect for the complexity of primary school teaching. Real change won't be as sexy as robotics, a hackathon or a new tech hub, but how we teach foundational mathematics will determine much of our future in an increasingly STEM-dominated world.

Ben Jensen is CEO and Katie Roberts-Hull and Samara Cooper are analysts at educational consultancy Learning First.

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