

The time has come for NSW to legalise euthanasia

Bravo, the Victorians. In a breakthrough this week, their Premier Daniel Andrews announced his government will introduce legislation next year that will likely legalise euthanasia, meaning that those of their citizens suffering debilitating illnesses that deliver them nothing but agony will soon be able to choose to die with dignity. South Australia nearly got there a month ago, but it is the Victorians who will be the first to go over the top.

Can we not, in NSW, quickly follow suit? Personally, I hope I have a good 40 years left in me – and I am more confident than ever, now being at my lightest weight since 1984. But, let's say I don't. Let's say I get a tumour or a debilitating condition that will force me to me wind down slowly and agonisingly. Let's say that at the age of 80 or so, I decide that my meaningful life is over, and all that awaits me is – I know, I know, too much detail – incontinent pain for the next five years. And let's say that I don't want that, and would rather pass away peacefully, and with dignity, in a medically supervised manner. My question to the opponents of euthanasia: if I choose to do that, what business is it of yours?

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Dan Andrews' twitter statement on assisted dying

In a statement released on Twitter, Victorian Premiere Daniel Andrews discusses the upcoming debate on voluntary euthanasia.

You say it is because your God objects to it, as most opposition to euthanasia is religious based? Well, I do not recognise your God. You may choose to believe that, and it is none of my business. The point is under the auspices of the separation of Church and State, the NSW government should reject all religious reasons against euthanasia as well. This is a no-brainer.

Andrew Denton has worked tirelessly on the euthanasia issue for the past two years, as has his euthanasia advocacy organisation Go Gentle Australia. I'll leave the last words to him.

"No one should be left to die in unbelievable pain," Denton notes. "Mike Baird was shocked by cruelty to greyhounds. I challenge him to read the testimonies of those who have watched their loved ones die in agony and then tell the people of NSW that there's nothing to be done about it."

Down to earth

Vale John Glenn, the great American astronaut – their first man in space – who died on Thursday, aged 95.


When he circled the Earth for the first time, in 1961 the people of Perth – the most isolated big city on earth – left the lights on for him. And the astronaut saw them alright: "I can see the outline of a town and a very bright light just to the south of it," Glenn told Mission Control, going on to dub Perth, "The City of Lights".

He returned to earth a great hero, and a great political career was soon launched. This time, however, the entity ensuring his feet returned safely to ground whenever he was in orbit was not Mission Control but his wife, Annie.

As I've told in these pages before, when he ran for the Presidency in 1984 he was rapturously introduced to a Houston audience with the final exultant words before he took to the podium: "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you one of the last great men left in the United States ... SENATOR JOHN GLENN!"

Later that night back at the hotel, after brushing his teeth, Glenn mentioned to Annie that he thought the fellow had a point and that there were nowhere near as many great men as there used to be.

"As matter of fact, darling," he says, "how many great men do you think there are in America these days?"

"About one less than you do," she replied, giving him a kiss and turning off the light. They were married for 72 years, and she survives him.

Joke of the week

A woman and a man are involved in a car accident in the Snowy Mountains. Both their cars are demolished but amazingly neither of them is badly hurt. After they crawl out of the wreckage, the woman says, "Both of our cars are destroyed, but we're unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and live together in peace for the rest of our days."

Flattered, the man replies, "Oh, yes, I agree with you completely. This must be a sign from God."

The woman continues, "And look at this – here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished but this flask of whisky didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this whisky to keep us warm and celebrate our good fortune."

Then she hands the flask to the man. The man nods his head in agreement, opens it and drinks half the flask in five almighty swigs, then hands it back to the woman.

The woman takes the flask and immediately puts the cap back on.

The man asks, "Aren't you having any?"

The woman replies, "No. I think I'll just wait for the police."

They said it

"There are a large number of bodies that have recommended an emissions intensity scheme."

Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg on Monday, discussing the expected government review of climate policy. By Wednesday, he'd backed down, saying, "I didn't mention emissions schemes."

"We don't support a carbon tax."

Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce.

"Josh Frydenberg and Malcolm Turnbull did not propose a policy this week, they proposed having a debate about what is the best policy to reduce emissions. Why are the Liberals, the party of business and markets, stopping a new innovative sector [renewable energy] from growing? It's completely hypocritical."

Kristina Photios, wife of the powerful Liberal lobbyist, resigns from the Liberal Party in anger over lack of action on climate change.

"This is not Jobs and Growth."

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen about the fall in Australia's GDP announced this week.

"I've taken the knife to some other people, now I'm taking the knife to myself."

New Zealand prime minister John Key, announcing that he was resigning.

"Say it ain't so, bro."

Malcolm Turnbull's message to John Key at the news.

"Getting paid more."

Emma Kearney, dual cricket and AFL player, about what would help her playing career.
