ACT News

Images to warm the heart or chill the blood - nine peacock chicks make their debut in Narrabundah

They are images to warm the heart or chill the blood - brand new peacock chicks making their debut in Narrabundah.

It's hard to imagine anyone not turning to mush at the sight of the little bundles of fluff.

They emerged from the bushes of Joe and Ann-Lone Thwaites' garden on Wednesday morning "to a grand and raucous welcome from their proud father".

They really do make for a cute sight.

But some Narrabundah residents are not as enamoured of the birds, complaining about their raucous mating calls , droppings on footpaths and destruction of gardens.

The ACT Government last year announced in October last year it was relocating "a number of feral peacocks in Narrabundah to a wildlife sanctuary in Darlington Point, NSW.


The targeted population was around the Uniting Care Retirement Village in Narrabundah where about 25 of the birds posed "a health and safety risk to residents and passersby", the government said then.

"The main hazards these birds pose to people are associated with their droppings, including through the spread of disease by incidental hand contact like gardening, as well as slipping hazards. Vehicle collisions caused by motorists attempting to avoid the birds are also a concern," it said then.

In 2013,  the ACT Parks and Conservation Service also successfully relocated eight peacocks to Taronga Western Plain Zoo where they were to have free range.

We did ask but the government but it could not give us any indication of whether it intended to relocate any further peacocks or leave them be.