PISA and TIMSS education surveys show how Australia is falling behind

Riverside students (clockwise from left) Niki Foley, Ellen Rowley, Sarah Blanks, Scarlet Orrin, and Rosie Logan, ...
Riverside students (clockwise from left) Niki Foley, Ellen Rowley, Sarah Blanks, Scarlet Orrin, and Rosie Logan, conducting an experiment. Janie Barrett
by Tim Dodd

At Riverside Girls High School in Sydney students are deep into hands-on problem-solving in their science class. Question: what is the effect of different types of roofing on the temperature inside a house? Armed with sample materials, and a thermometer, the girls design and carry out their own experiment.

This is problem-based learning – an increasingly popular pedagogy used in Australian schools – in action.

"They go into why glass makes a house hotter than, say, a tiled roof," says Riverside principal Belinda Kelly.

The problem-based approach, which Riverside uses in years seven to nine, is meant to stimulate students to use their knowledge in practical situations. It reinforces what they've learnt and makes it stick. They get to apply what they've learnt in maths about measurement and data, and come up with evidence-based hypotheses.

John Hattie says, "As well as academic talent, teaching needs people with communication and social skills.
John Hattie says, "As well as academic talent, teaching needs people with communication and social skills. Jason Loucas

It hones their thinking skills, says Kelly, whose school is one of seven in NSW designated as STEM [science, technology, engineering and maths] action schools.

Students have the freedom to get the wrong answer, but if they do they must use logic and reasoning to figure out why.

Kelly says the discipline of this process is improving their ability in debating and in writing persuasive arguments in English classes. She's also seeing improvements in history and philosophy in year 11 among girls who did inquiry-based learning in year 9. And next year, for the first time, Riverside will teach engineering in year 11 and take it through to year 12.

Unfortunately Riverside's positive experience is not being mirrored Australia-wide. Results released this week from the OECD's three-yearly Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which shows that the plunge in the problem-solving ability of Australian 15-year-olds is continuing.

High school students in many Asian countries – the world-champion rote learners – now clearly outdo their Australian peers, not just in parroting back memorised facts and formulae but also in using that knowledge to solve problems. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and in some areas even Vietnam, score better than Australia,

Australia's score in PISA's reading and science tests have now fallen significantly.
Australia's score in PISA's reading and science tests have now fallen significantly. Virginia Star

Deep concerns

Education specialists are deeply worried. Australia's score in PISA's reading and science tests have now fallen significantly for two consecutive three-year cycles. In maths its worse, down four cycles in a row.

The Grattan Institute's main school researcher, Peter Goss, says the evidence points to a systemic failure. The plunge is across all three school sectors – government, independent and Catholic – across all levels of income and across all states, except Victoria. Even Australia's best performing jurisdiction, the Australian Capital Territory, has scores worse than the average across all of Canada, which is very similar to Australia.

"Even the best [in Australia] are not doing well enough," he says.

Professor John Hattie.
Professor John Hattie. Rodger Cummins

This week's PISA results, which measured 15-year-olds' problem-solving across over 70 countries, followed the previous week's release of another international comparison of year 4 and year 8 students' ability in maths and science.

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), which measures students' knowledge of the curriculum rather than how well they can apply knowledge to solve problems, showed Australia was level-pegging even as other countries have improved.

John Hattie, who is arguably Australia's most influential school education researcher and who gained popular fame through last year's ABC TV documentary Revolution School, says he despairs that studies such as PISA and TIMSS are not spurring governments and educators to take action.

"It has exposed to the world that this is not the country you come to if you worry about the quality of the schooling system," he says. "It's not the country you come to if you want to seek solutions."


Hattie, a professor at the University of Melbourne who is best known for his research listing which strategies are most cost-effective to improve schools, says it's very important for Australia to ask why our performance has gone backwards.

He works with schools around the country to improve their teaching and estimates that only 60-70 per cent of schools and teachers are doing a good job. He has a simple criteria to measure this – children must gain at least a year's learning for a year's attendance.

Why are the others failing? One problem, Hattie says, is that we don't train our teachers well in the skills they need or give them the tools required to do the job.

Hattie, through the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership which he chairs, has a program to put highly skilled "lead teachers" into schools to share the best professional practice and mentor and inspire their colleagues. Every school in Australia should have one, he says.

So far there are only several hundred utilising the lead teacher program and many lead teachers have reported back to Hattie that they are often not used effectively, and even ignored, in schools.

Meanwhile, Australia continues to train more teachers than it needs and many universities lower the entrance standards to teaching courses. Now 14 per cent of teacher trainees who are admitted on the basis of their year 12 ATAR score have an ATAR below 50 per cent, which puts them near the bottom of year 12 graduates.

Hattie believes this is "laughable". Imagine having a music academy that would accept people who had never learnt music, were tone deaf and had no rhythm, he says. "But we do that in teacher education."

Lifting standards

The academic quality of teachers might now improve given that NSW and Victoria have decided to force universities to lift their standards with rules requiring new teachers to be in the top 25-30 per cent of year 12 graduates.

But even that is not enough, Hattie says. As well as academic talent, teaching needs people with communication and social skills. Universities, schools systems, and governments need to lift their game.

"If you look at the countries which are moving forward in PISA, it's all the ones that invest in [teacher] expertise," he says.

Hattie's research is one of the major inputs into a tool-kit called Evidence for Learning by non-for-profit group Social Ventures Australia. It's a curated guide for educators and parents, incorporating thousands of research papers about what approaches succeed in improving school achievement.

Among the best strategies are well-structured collaborative learning and peer tutoring. Among the least effective strategies are wearing school uniforms or over investing in school buildings.

But Matt Deeble, who heads Evidence for Learning, says schools need to do more than just pick strategies from the list and apply them. Teachers and principals need to decide what's best in the context of their school.

Deeble believes we need a culture change. Teachers should become used to working with data and evidence and sharing their classroom experiences with their colleagues. Canadian schools manage to do this, he says, and so should Australia's.

What does the evidence say about problem-based learning, which is being applied at Riverside Girls and those schools responding to calls for more teaching of STEM subjects?

Hattie warns too many schools are rushing into problem-based learning, without ensuring that all students have the foundation knowledge to learn from their inquiry process. The kids who have the knowledge do well but the others don't, he says.

At Riverside, Kelly says that before her girls start on a problem they spend a couple of periods learning the core knowledge they will need.

Singapore, the top country in PISA performance, has moved enthusiastically to adopt problem-based learning, which shows it can be done successfully on a large scale.

The problem for Australia is how to follow its lead.
