
Donald Trump names Australian Andrew Liveris to head Manufacturing Council

Michigan: President-elect Donald Trump said on Friday he would name Andrew Liveris, chairman and chief executive of Dow Chemical Co, to head the Manufacturing Council, a private sector group that advises the US secretary of commerce.

Trump made the announcement during a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he introduced Liveris, 62, a dual US-Australian citizen who said he had accepted the appointment.

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The panel to promote US manufacturing will be "tasked with finding ways to bring industry back to America," Trump said.

Liveris praised Trump's economic plans: "You're paving the way ... with your policies to make it easier to do business in this country - not a red-tape country but a red-carpet country for American businesses."

Liveris told the audience that Dow would soon bring a new research-and- development centre to Michigan.

Liveris, born to a Greek migrant family, studied chemical engineering at the University of Queensland in Brisbane.


His career at Dow began in Melbourne in 1976.

He later worked as the General Manager for Dow's Thailand businesses.

In the early 1990s he moved to the US where he worked as president of Dow Chemical Pacific and was appointed CEO of Dow Chemical in 2004.

In that time, Liveris became a vocal advocate for manufacturing in advanced economies such as the US and Australia.

In 2011, his book Make It In America: The Case for Re-Inventing The Economy laid out a plan for maintaining and improving manufacturing in the US.

He and his wife Paula, from Broken Hill, live in the US state of Michigan, but also they own a home in Sydney. 

