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Suicide bomber kills at least 50 Yemeni troops in Aden

The scene of a bombing in Aden in August in which 50 troops were killed.

A suicide bomber killed at least 50 Yemeni soldiers and wounded at least 70 others at a base in the city of Aden, a local security official said, in another major attack on forces allied to a Saudi-led military campaign.

France extends state of emergency as terrorist threat remains high

Members of the Research and Intervention Brigades, a unit of the French National Police.

The French government will extend until July 15 the emergency anti-terrorism measures due to expire at the end of January, as threats persist and may intensify in the run-up to next year's presidential election, Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said after a special cabinet meeting.

GDP: Short for Generally Dubious Puffery?

Dollar Sinking In The Sea Showing Depression Recession And Economic Downturns generic pick of dollar sign sinking into water

GDP might well be the least bad of all the flawed ways in which we can measure the health of our economy. But it's far from perfect, especially if you're aiming to capture the impact of the economy on people.

Government blows millions in jobs plan

The government's jobs creation plan has blown out by $130 million.

A jobs creation plan designed to make NSW the "engine room of the nation's economy" blew out by $130 million after the chief commissioner relaxed entry to the scheme.

'It was not something that happened to someone like me': DV survivors speak

A new Brisbane group allows survivors of domestic violence to inform stakeholders and legislation.

They've been through unquestionably dark times, but a new group is allowing domestic violence survivors to turn that darkness into light. Since June, the Resound Voices of Experience group - whose members have lived through domestic violence - have used their insights to help inform law makers and government departments.

When law is shaped by love - and death

Jaala Pulford with her daughter Sinead. Sinead died two years ago at the age of 13.

There are few things that shape your world view like watching someone you love die in pain. For Daniel Andrews, the turning point came in the lead up to April 24 this year: the unforgettable Sunday when his father, Bob, drew his last breath after a lengthy and agonising battle with cancer.