Energy giant backs states going solo on renewables
Renewable energy can add resiliency to electricity grids and there's no reason why individual states can't set their own goals higher than a national target, says a US industry veteran.
Renewable energy can add resiliency to electricity grids and there's no reason why individual states can't set their own goals higher than a national target, says a US industry veteran.
Last week's tragic death of American Sam Beattie to a lightning strike has put a spotlight on this dangerous - if spectacular - natural hazard.
A massive 3.2 shark is the first of five great whites caught in brand new nets and drumlines deployed along the infamous stretch of mid-north NSW coast marred by a rash of attacks over the past year.
Here's why you should find optimism - but also deep concern - about the major energy trends.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's disastrous week-long spat over a climate-change policy review has culminated in a showdown with state premiers in Canberra, and criticism from the nation's chief business group.
Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.
The man who came up with the scheme at the centre of a humiliating backdown by Energy and Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg says its rejection shows the government lacks spine, and will be responsible for higher electricity prices and reduced energy reliability.
Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.
Watch out for some 'taking out the trash' of unhelpful climate news.