@1petermartin is geblokkeerd

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  1. The economic consequences of Donald Trump: Me, in tomorrow's paper.

  2. Chalk and cheese between Shorten and Turnbull in their responses.

  3. Bill Shorten's statement on Trump's win is strong; "If I see women being disrespected, people being discriminated, I’m going to call it out"

  4. Remember when was the biggest screw up of 2016? I wish that was still true....

  5. trump will now b a dribbling mess...his handlers & advisers will run the show

  6. So they were preparing to lose and make a joke about it??

  7. Prime Minister will make a statement on the US Election Result at 7:10pm, APH

  8. Nations cause some of our biggest problems. Science suggests there are better ways to run a planet

  9. The biggest winners from today - American satirists and late night TV hosts...

  10. ICYMI - This week's column on what a Trump presidency may mean for the global economy ...

  11. You might be underselling it. Flow on to and from business and consumer confidence, monetary policy impotent ..

  12. President Trump - has now called the US election for Donald Trump.

  13. We expect that Trump will eventually finish with about 47 percent of the popular vote which, if he…

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