© RadiumOne 2014

Privacy Policy

Last updated: June 8, 2016

TRUSTe Privacy Certification

TRUSTe Privacy Certification

RadiumOne is a digital advertising company. We value the privacy of consumers (“Users”, “you”, “your”) who visit our websites at http://radiumone.com or http://radiumone.co.uk (the “Sites”) as well as other websites and mobile applications where our technology is enabled (together, the “Platform”). In this Privacy Policy we use the terms “RadiumOne”, “our”, “us”, and “we” to refer to RadiumOne, Inc.; RadiumOne UK Ltd.; and our affiliates.

The RadiumOne technology (the “Technology”) gathers User information from the Platform to optimize the delivery of digital advertising to Users. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to explain what information we gather, how we use it, what we do to protect it, and your choices regarding how we gather and use information about you.

RadiumOne has received TRUSTe’s Privacy Seal signifying that this Privacy Policy and our practices have been reviewed for compliance with the TRUSTe seal viewable on the validation page available by clicking the TRUSTe seal. The TRUSTe certification applies to the privacy practices governed by this Privacy Policy, which is accessible from http://radiumone.com and http://radiumone.co.uk. If you have questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or practices, please see the “Contact Us” section below. If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact TRUSTe at https://feedback-form.truste.com/watchdog/request.

About Our Advertising Services

RadiumOne provides online display, mobile, video, and social advertising services. In order to provide our services, we buy advertising space from hundreds of websites and mobile applications around the world and resell it in targeted packages to advertisers and agencies (“Targeted Advertising”). Targeted Advertising is displayed (a) on the browsers of devices such as computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones or (b) inside mobile applications. Users benefit from Targeted Advertising by receiving advertisements (“ads”) which are more interesting and relevant than untargeted ads, while advertisers benefit through the more efficient delivery of ads to interested Users.

Targeted Advertising is based on data that does not personally identify you and is collected from your devices as described below in “What Information We Collect”. Data used in Targeted Advertising may range from your (i) interests, (ii) similarities to other Users, (iii) general demographic information, and (iv) general geographic location. This non-personally identifiable information may be used to classify Users who are most likely to respond to an ad. We do not intentionally collect information that identifies you (such as your name, address, phone number, or email address), and we prohibit our partners from sharing this information with us.

What Information We Collect

The information we collect falls into two categories – Browser-Based Data and Mobile App-Based Data.

For information about opting out from the collection of Browser-Based Data and Mobile App-Based Data, please visit our Opt Out page by clicking here.

Browser-Based Data

  • Cookies. Many websites use cookies to improve the User experience, and we use cookies in connection with our Technology. When you visit our Site or another website or page that displays one of our targeted ads or contains our pixel tags (also called clear gifs or web beacons), we may send one or more cookies (small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters) to your browser. Cookies enable us to store a non-personally identifiable RadiumOne User browser ID that is used for matching certain non-personally identifiable information that we collect via the browser. For more information about the types of cookies that we use, the purposes for which we use them and how you can opt out, click here.
  • Ad Serving and Web Navigation Information. We may collect non-personally identifiable browser-based information regarding how you use the Platform and how you interact with the ads that the Platform displays (together, “Ad Serving and Web Navigation Information”). This Ad Serving and Web Navigation Information may include the following: (i) technographic data related to the browser, operating system, and device, such as the name and version of your browser, (ii) connection data (such as the device’s current IP address), (iii) the current website visited, (iv) the website visited before the current website, (v) search terms, (vi) the date and time of the website visit. (vii) whether the User has clicked on the ad of a RadiumOne advertiser, visited this advertiser’s website, or undertaken a transaction with this advertiser.
  • Po.st Information. Developers of Web sites may choose to implement our Po.st technology, which facilitates the sharing of Web content. When you use the Po.st services, we may receive Ad Serving and Web Navigation Information, including the URL content shared by a user (together, the “Po.st Information”). We can also discern which channel was used for sharing or receiving content (e.g. a social network or email). In addition, if you use Po.st to send an URL link to another user, and the user clicks on the sent URL link, we may also receive Ad Serving and Web Navigation information related to this user.
  • RadiumOne Engage Information. Developers of Web sites may choose to implement our RadiumOne Engage technology, which facilitates in-game advertising. When you use RadiumOne Engage advertising services, we may receive Ad Serving and Web Navigation Information, including (i) information about the game in which the advertising offer was placed, (ii) whether the User has clicked on the advertising offer, and (iii) whether the advertising offer was completed by the User (together, the “RadiumOne Engage Information”).

Mobile Application-Based Data

  • Device IDs. If you are using the Platform via a mobile application, we may use the Apple IFA, Android Advertiser ID, or other non-personally identifiable device information that uniquely identifies a mobile device (collectively, “Device IDs”) in order to match certain non-personally identifiable information that we collect via the mobile application.
  • Ad Serving Information. We may collect non-personally identifiable mobile-application-based information about how you interact with the ads that the Platform displays (together, “Ad Serving Information”). This Ad Serving Information may include the following: whether the User has (i) clicked on the ad of a RadiumOne advertiser, (ii) installed this advertiser’s application, or (iii) undertaken a transaction with this advertiser inside the downloaded application.
  • API or SDK Information. Developers of mobile applications may choose to implement our application programming interfaces (“APIs”) and software development kits (“SDKs”), such as RadiumOne Connect, which delivers push messages to consumers and provides developers with mobile analytics, geo-fencing capabilities, and advertising campaign attribution; and RadiumOne Engage, which delivers advertisements within mobile gaming applications (together, the “RadiumOne Software”). When a User accesses an application that implements the RadiumOne Software, we may collect certain non-personally identifiable User data, including: (i) technographic data related to the device (such as Apple IFA or Android Advertiser ID, device model, and operating system), (ii) information related to the application that implements the API or SDK (such as the version of the third party application, the SDK or the API being used), (iii) certain information relating to the applications installed on a mobile device (such as a list of the applications installed on the device), (iv) connection data (such as the IP address and mobile country or network code used to access the API or SDK), and (v) various data relating to the User (such as latitude and longitude, language preferences, or self-reported demographic data, including age, income, education or ethnicity).
  • iBeacons. We may collect non-personally identifiable information about your location through the use of iBeacon technology, an indoor positioning system that can notify nearby smartphones or other devices of their presence.

Other Sources of Information

  • We may acquire, use or re-sell to our self-service clients non-personally identifiable information from third party sources that may be used as is or in combination with Browser-Based Data and Mobile App-Based Data to optimize the delivery of digital advertising to Users. We require these third party sources to comply with applicable legal and industry standards.
  • We collect personal information from Web site visitors who sign up for our newsletter or submit their contact information. We do not use this information to deliver Targeted Advertising. Please see the section below entitled “RadiumOne Site Privacy Practices” for more details.

How We Use and Disclose Information

  • In General. RadiumOne uses the information collected by the Technology to tailor advertising to you more effectively. The aim is to show you ads in which you are more likely to be interested. We do this by comparing the information in a non-personally identifiable User profile against our selection of ad campaigns and choosing the most relevant ad for you. Data used in your User profile may range from your (i) interests, (ii) similarities to other Users, (iii) general demographic information, and (iv) general geographic location. This data is collected from your devices as described above in “What Information We Collect.”
  • Cross-App Advertising, Ad Delivery and Reporting. When you use a mobile device, we may use the information collected by the Technology regarding your use of the apps on your device to deliver Targeted Advertising based on the interests that we infer from your use of the mobile apps on the device (“Cross-App Advertising”). We may also use the information collected about the device for the purpose of delivering ads or providing related services such as delivering ads on the basis of a particular time of the day, optimizing the placement, performance, reach and frequency of our ads, and for statistical reporting and analytics purposes (“Ad Delivery and Reporting”).
  • Please note that we do not sell or transfer ownership of Browser-Based Data and Mobile App-Based Data to third parties.

Service Providers

Authorized service providers provide us with hosting, Internet connectivity, and other services. To the extent it is necessary for these service providers to fulfill their obligations to us, these service providers may have access to non-personally identifiable User information. However, we contractually require these service providers to safeguard User information and generally limit their use of User information to the purpose for which it was shared.


Browser-Based Data Collection

You can opt out from receiving RadiumOne Targeted Advertising based on data collected via your browser by doing one of the following:

  • Visiting our Opt Out page by clicking here. Please note that if you disable all cookies via your browser settings (see below), change the browser on the device from which you opted out of RadiumOne Targeted Advertising, or use a different device, you will need to opt out again from receiving cookies.
  • Visiting opt outs of standards bodies. RadiumOne is a member of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”), the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”), the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (“DAAC”), the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (“EDAA”), the Internet Advertising Bureau (“IAB”), and JICWEBS DTSG and adheres to each organization’s principles (the NAI Code of Conduct, the DAA Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising, the Canadian Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioural Advertising, the EDAA Principles, IAB Europe’s Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising, and the JICWEBS DTSG Good Practice Principles, respectively). You can opt-out of RadiumOne Targeted Advertising based on data collected via your browser by using (a) the NAI’s opt-out tool, which can be found here; (b) the DAA’s opt-out tool, which can be found here; (c) the DAAC’s opt-out tool, which can be found here; or (d) the EDAA’s opt-out tool, which can be found here.

When you opt out, we will stop (a) collecting information about your interests via your browser and (b) serving you Targeted Ads based on the data collected via your browser.

We will subsequently place a piece of data in your browser’s cookie that tells us that you have opted out of RadiumOne; it does not contain any data about you except for the fact that you have opted out. We need this cookie in place so that we know not to collect information about your interests and serve you interest-based targeted ads in the future.

Mobile Application-Based Data Collection

You can opt out from receiving Targeted Advertising based on data collected via your mobile applications by following your mobile device maker’s most current published instructions, such as the examples below (current as of the date of this version of our Privacy Policy):


Open the Google Settings app on your device

Select Ads


Devices with iOS 6 and above use Apple’s Advertising Identifier. To learn more about limiting ad tracking using this identifier, visit the Settings menu on your device as follows:

iOS 7 or higher – Choose Settings > Privacy > Advertising

iOS 6 – Choose Settings > General > About > Advertising

When you opt out, we will stop (a) collecting information about your interests via your mobile applications and (b) serving you Targeted Ads based on the data collected via your mobile applications.

Please note that opting out of either Browser-Based or Mobile Application-Based Data Collection does not mean you will not see ads online from RadiumOne or other digital advertising companies, but only that RadiumOne will not tailor ads based on your interests.

Data Retention

RadiumOne maintains all server log data and stored data for a period of up to 24 months to comply with audits, court order or law enforcement inquiries. After 24 months, all of the stored data is destroyed. Summarized data is kept indefinitely. Summarized data is aggregated statistical data (impressions, clicks, and conversions) used for financial reporting purposes. If we hold personal information about you as described in the “RadiumOne Site Privacy Practices” section below, we will only keep it for as long as it is necessary for the purposes of (a) collecting and processing it and (b) complying with our legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing our agreements.


We will take reasonable steps to put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to preserve the integrity and security of User information and to prevent the unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal information and the accidental loss, destruction, or damage to personal information. These measures include internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store data.

In the Event of Merger or Sale

In the event that RadiumOne is acquired by or merged with a third-party entity, we reserve the right to transfer or assign the information that we have collected from Users as part of such merger, acquisition, sale, or other change of control. With regard to any personal information we collect via the Sites as described in the “RadiumOne Site Privacy Practices” section below, we will notify you via email and/or prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership, uses of your personal information, and choices you may have regarding your personal information.

Children’s Privacy

RadiumOne’s websites, products, and services are neither developed for, nor directed at, children under the age of 13. With respect to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), RadiumOne does not knowingly collect personal information from nor employ or offer targeting towards children under the age of 13. If you believe your child, who is under the age of 13, has provided RadiumOne with personal information or registered at one of RadiumOne’s websites, please contact us at privacy@radiumone.com, and we will use reasonable efforts to remove that information from our records.

RadiumOne Site Privacy Practices

Personal Information

The Site is generally intended for use by businesses, advertisers, and potential partners interested in learning more about RadiumOne.

You may provide to RadiumOne the following personal information:

  • Contact Information such as name, email address, and phone number;
  • Business Information such as your job title and company name.

We use this information to:

  • Fulfill your requests;
  • Contact you regarding your inquiries;
  • Send you newsletters;
  • Assess the needs of your business to determine suitable products;
  • Send you requested product and service information.

We do not use your personal information for any other purpose other than responding to your request. We do not share your personal information with other organizations without your express consent, except as set out in this Privacy Policy.

If your personal information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, you may correct, update or delete it by contacting us at privacy@radiumone.com. We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe.

If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters, you may opt out by following the unsubscribe instructions located at the bottom of each communication.

Tracking Technologies

We use the following tracking technologies to optimize the Site for visitors and monitor your use of the Site.

Performance and functionality cookies.
Description: These cookies are used to enhance the performance and functionality of our website but are non-essential to their use. However, without these cookies, certain functionality (like videos) may become unavailable.
Who serves them: Vimeo (www.vimeo.com)

Analytics and customization cookies.
Description: These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our websites are being used or how effective are marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our Sites for you.
Who serves them: Google (www.google.com), Leadlander (www.leadlander.com), Marketo (www.marketo.com), ScorecardResearch (www.scorecardresearch.com)

Disclosure by Legal Necessity

RadiumOne may disclose your personal information if: (i) required by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with applicable laws; (ii) we believe, in good faith, that such action is appropriate or necessary to take precautions against liability; or (iii) such action is necessary to protect our, our Users’ or third parties’ rights. In such circumstances we may disclose your personal information to law enforcement agencies, regulatory organizations, courts or other public authorities.

Data Transfer

The Site is hosted in the United States of America. If you choose to use the Site from other regions of the world, then please note that if you provide to us personal information when using the Site, you are transferring your personal information outside of those regions to the United States, and by providing your personal information on the Site, you consent to that transfer. We will protect personal information in all such transfers as described in this Privacy Policy. If you are located in the European Union, we will take reasonable steps to comply with applicable legal requirements to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal information that we transfer to countries outside of the European Union. 

Users from the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and Australia

If you are based in a country in the EEA or Australia, and we hold personal information about you, the controller of your personal information is RadiumOne UK Ltd, a company incorporated in England and Wales (company no: 07474165) whose registered office is located at 1 Heathcock Court, London WC2R 0NT, United Kingdom.

Links to Other Websites

Our Site may also contain links to other websites for your convenience and information. These websites may be operated by companies not affiliated with RadiumOne. Linked websites may have their own privacy policies or notices, which we strongly suggest you review if you visit any linked websites. We are not responsible for the content, your use, or the privacy notices of such websites.

Social Media Applications
Our Sites include Social Media Applications, such as the Facebook Like button or the Twitter Share button. These Applications may collect your Internet protocol address, which page you are visiting on our website, and may set a cookie to enable the Application to function properly. These Applications are either hosted by a third party. Your interactions with these Applications are governed by the privacy statement of the company providing it.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

From time to time we may need to change our Privacy Policy, in which case we will revise the “Last Updated” date. If we make material changes, we will notify you more directly, for example by posting a notification or message on the Site and/or one of our services or by emailing you prior to such changes taking effect. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy frequently to stay informed of the latest modifications.

Your Privacy Rights

You may ask us at any time to provide you a copy of the personal information that we hold about you (if any) by emailing us at privacy@radiumone.com or by writing to us using the contact details provided below. We may need to apply a charge to cover the cost of dealing with a request to provide you a copy of your personal information.

If you believe that we hold inaccurate personal information about you, please email us at privacy@radiumone.com or write to us using the contact details below, so we can correct it. 

Contact Us

If you want to write to us regarding your privacy rights or have any questions, comments or complaints about our Privacy Policy, please contact us via privacy@radiumone.com or write to us to one of the following addresses:

If you are based in the United States or a country outside Europe:

Privacy Officer
RadiumOne, Inc.
55 Second St.
18th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105

If you are based in Europe or Australia:

Privacy Officer
RadiumOne, UK Ltd.
1 Heathcock Court
London WC2R 0NT