Peter Martin

Peter Martin is the Economics Editor for The Age.

Martin Parkinson says Australia is only 'mid-range' when it comes to manufacturing management practices.

PM's man says Australian managers below par

Prime minister Malcolm Turnbull's most senior advisor has lashed out at Australian managers, saying they are failing to pursue opportunities and holding back national income.

New Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe wants major investment by government in infrastructure.

Help me out, run up more debt, says RBA boss

Incoming Reserve Bank chief Philip Lowe has appealed to the Turnbull government to help him out with economic management by borrowing big for infrastructure, saying there's only so much further cuts in interest rates can do.

Treasurer Scott Morrison's Treasury has shown the positive effect that company tax cuts will have on the economy.

Government mulls national default super scheme to save $1.5b

The Turnbull government is considering a radical shakeup of Australia's superannuation system that would pit banks and industry funds against each other for the right to manage the deposits of every new entrant for at least two years.