Payback time
Can I exact revenge on those who send glittery Christmas cards?
Can I exact revenge on those who send glittery Christmas cards?
How do you pass a hand-holding couple on a narrow walkway?
In public places, smartphones are the new cigarettes. How to get strangers to stop lighting up?
My wife always leaves the kettle on the stove the wrong way round for a right-hander.
On a plane, I watched an old lady struggling to play Solitaire. Should I have intervened?
I'm secretly adding more fibre to my husband's food. Should I tell him?
I received an expensive bouquet for helping out a charity. Er...
I'm 10. If a girl passes me a note in class, do I read it or hand it to the teacher?
My neighbour's cat makes my life miserable. Do I have to feed it when the owners go away?
Should people bring their kids to the office during school holidays?
An obnoxious man in front of me is getting sunburnt. Do I warn him?
I'm sitting between two young people laughing at something on their mobiles. Dare I ask for a look?
My ex still has a beautiful blanket of mine. Will I ever see it again?
My son's a groomsman at a wedding on the same day as his footy team's grand final. What should he do?
The traffic light's turned green. The police van ahead isn't moving. Do I toot them?
My colleague sprays himself with deodorant at his desk. How do I tell him to do it in private?
On my daily walk, I might pass the same stranger twice. Do I smile at them again?
A recent houseguest carved his name into a favourite tree. I can't ignore it. Any advice?
I've often already read the books that friends give me as presents. Should I say anything?
I lean to being vegan but broke a tooth eating Toblerone. Must I confess or can I blame quinoa?
What should I have said to an elegant woman who turned to me as we were waiting to board the bus and said, "I hate Jews"?
My new boyfriend has a single thick, curly backhair that I'm itching to pluck. Please advise.
Is it okay to give kids non-alcoholic beer?
While I was washing my hands in the only basin in a small unisex bathroom in a cafe, something odd happened.
We recently went to see a play and everyone got up for a standing ovation. We didn't think it was worthy of one.
Q: When checking out at the supermarket, I am routinely asked, "How's your day been so far?" or "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" My instinctive – but never spoken – reply is, "None of your business." Am I wrong to be riled by these perfunctory insincerities from total strangers?
My cleaner insists on moving a couple of ornaments that she obviously feels
I was walking through my office with my bag, when a condom fell out onto the floor.
I am the mother of two active preschoolers, and while this is a very fulfilling role, every trip to the supermarket is stressful and tiring.
My neighbour and his leaf blower are inseparable. I've often fantasised about leaving an anonymous note in his letterbox suggesting he buy a broom. Should I?
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