Jake Saulwick


City Editor at the SMH. jsaulwick@smh.com.au


已封鎖 @JakeSaulwick

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  1. Sydney 2026: How we’ll live and how our city will work in 10 years

  2. In 1800s, buying a suit in Sydney could score you a free block of land in Riverstone. Yarn on the suburb time forgot

  3. $1.3 million in cycle fines in first months of NSW's stiffer laws dwarf penalties for motorists via

  4. Metro rail from Sydney CBD to Parramatta confirmed - but it's $10b and 10 years away via

  5. Dad is on Manus, wife and kids in Australia. Meet a family impacted by the Turnbull entry ban - via

  6. Revealed: Lucy Turnbull's affordable housing plan for Sydney |

  7. I did a few words and a few graphs on what the Sydenham-Bankstown consultation tells us about development objections

  8. .: Scott Morrison should look at the US scheme that trumps Australia on affordable housing.

  9. Children locked alone in NSW jail cells for 23 hours a day |

  10. 'This is not something anyone should go through, especially over a job': the sickness plaguing our principals.

  11. gov says homeowners whose homes are compulsorily acquired will receive almost 50k extra compo, backdated to feb 2014

  12. Of course I had something to say on Dylan winning the Nobel Prize. More than it's about time.

  13. Jake Saulwick 已跟隨 、 及
    • @henriettacook

      Education editor , cryptic crossword enthusiast, loves Murakami, tigers supporter. Got a tip? henrietta.cook@fairfaxmedia.com.au or 03) 8667 2866

    • @Donno79

      Sports talking guy. Mondays at 7.15am w/ . Weekly on A Sporting Discussion . Cricket commentary w/ White Line Wireless

  14. If Premier Mike Baird is in the mood for backflips, there are other possibilities, writes via

  15. Check out Phil Coorey revealing 's role in SA blackout disaster. He kept that quiet.

  16. The industry "has caused and will continue to cause injuries to greyhounds that range from minor to catastrophic." (1.113)


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