Top investor Peter Morgan slams slippery accounting of listed firms

Sydney investor Peter Morgan said regulators were being played for "fools".
Sydney investor Peter Morgan said regulators were being played for "fools". James Brickwood

The use of non-standard financial measures by listed firms is out of control, with the regulators and investors being played for fools by greedy and short-term-focused management.

That's the view of one veteran investor who is alarmed by research that showed more than 40 per cent of ASX top-500 companies now use non-standard measures such as underlying profit to promote their performance to the market.

"I am very concerned with the increased used of not-statutory measures because the so-called accounting is not uniform across companies, it is not always transparent and basically it's become a free-for-all," said Peter Morgan, who made his mark as a star stock picker at listed wealth group Perpetual.

"It has got to this stage because of greed, short-termism and remuneration based upon performance."

Where companies use the non-standard metrics.
Where companies use the non-standard metrics.

Mr Morgan, who now manages his own portfolio, said companies and directors are increasingly using the cover of non-standard measures to dress up their results, often to earn performance bonuses.

"I think the regulators and a lot of investors are being played as fools," he said.

"Don't forget a lot of companies base remuneration bonuses on underlying earnings and after big write-offs."

"When was the last time you saw a bonus clawed backed after earnings had been hit and rebased?"

Cash is king (for results)

Common non-standard terms used by firms.
Common non-standard terms used by firms.

Mr Morgan said his approach was to start with the cash flow statement of a company and then work through the other material.

"For me, the cash flow statement can be a very important starting point, not the profit and loss statement that can be manipulated," he said.

That cash is king for understanding company results is also the approach of Andrew King, a portfolio manager at mid-cap fund Concise Asset Management.

"[W]e think that investors should put a lot more emphasis on the cash flow statement, not the profit and loss statement," Mr King said.

The use of non-standard metrics is rising.
The use of non-standard metrics is rising.

"Cash flows do not lie.

"They enable investors to have a transparent view on what is happening without abnormal additions or deletions within the non-statutory profit and loss.

"The gap between statutory and non-statutory profit and loss is becoming more absurd each year.

"The cash flow statement cannot be manipulated by management and that is why we focus our attention on the cash flow statement.

"Management focusing on purely non-statutory profit and loss is not correct."

Hiding the bad, promoting the good

There is a marked divergence in company results based on accounting standards companies are legally obliged to follow, and results based on measures defined by the company.

The UTS Business School research found that non-standard measures of earnings after tax exceeded the standard equivalent most of the time, confirming separate research by governance firm Ownership Matters that reported more than half of the top 300 companies inflated their profits this year.

A separate report from KPMG found $26 billion of the $38 billion in red ink was airbrushed from the results presented to investors for the top companies in the past financial year, the highest level since the global financial crisis.

While the corporate regulator, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, has guidelines around the use of non-statutory measures, KPMG research has found that many ASX200 companies were not fully complying with these standards.

The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) also has guidelines around the use of non-statutory measures.

Directors want more flexibility

Many company directors feel that accounting standards are too prescriptive and that non-standard measures merely provide the market with more information, according to the AICD.

"It is the mandatory nature of financial reporting and the requirement that the financial reports must both comply with accounting standards, but also present a 'true and fair view' that creates a degree of tension," Michael Coleman, chairman of the AICD's reporting committee, said.

Mr Coleman, a former audit partner at KPMG whose board positions include being an audit committee member of the Reserve Bank of Australia, said companies should be allowed to promote the financial measurements that directors feel best tell their story to the market.

"Management believe they're in the best position to assess how the business is going, rather than standardised results," he said.

"Underlying profit be a useful measure, provided there is a clear reconciliation with the statutory result."

The view of the AICD is that "many directors argue that the accounting standards do not give rise to financial statements that properly reflect the activities of the business," Mr Coleman said.

"For example, as accounting standards have developed over the years, they have tended to require greater use of market values, or 'fair value'.

"Directors who have come from a non-accounting background often have some difficulty understanding the resultant volatility in published results.

"Within this context, many directors believe that there are better ways of describing the nature of the company's business and of its results and they would prefer greater flexibility in the way in which those results are described."

The more numbers the better

Keith Reilly, a financial reporting consultant and Macquarie University academic specialising in accounting and another member of the AICD reporting committee, agrees there is no problem with the use of non-statutory measures.

"The more measures the better, as it then leaves it to the reader to draw their own conclusions," he said.

"I don't believe there will be confusion as long as you reconcile the non-standard number back to the accounting number."

For his part, Mr Morgan is less than impressed with the role directors are playing when it comes to financial reports.

"Yes, I know directors bang on about needing the numbers but at the end of the day they are hopelessly conflicted because they don't want to be seen in a bad or failing light," he said.

"It really has got to the stage where it has become a nonsense."

He added: "We have almost gone full circle from telling a very conservative story to telling a very optimistic story with underlying earnings."