news and action

3 Dec 2016 >> Action, Comment, News, Top story

On 4th December, the Austrian Presidential election will be re-run. Favourite to win is Norbert Hofer, candidate of the far-right nationalist Freedom Party originally formed …

28 Nov 2016 >> News, Top story

On Saturday, over 200 people attended the Unity Celebration, organised
by Bolton Trades Council and Unite Against Fascism, in opposition to a
protest by around 50 fascists …

24 Nov 2016 >> News, Top story

The murder of the popular, MP Jo Cox, was committed by a fascist terrorist, Thomas Mair. That is now official. Mair was also guilty of GBH, on …

7 Nov 2016 >> News, Top story

What remains of part of the fascist street crews in the UK, displayed their current weaknesses, at the weekend, in two demonstrations. The English Defence League (EDL) …

7 Oct 2016 >> Campaign material, News, Unity 17 | September-October 2016, Unity Magazine
Cover of Unity 17

The 40th anniversary of Rock Against Racism features on the cover of the September-October 2016 issue of Unity magazine, produced by UAF with the National Union of Teachers.

7 Oct 2016 >> Action, Unity 17 | September-October 2016, Unity Magazine
Students on the No to Racism, No More Austerity demo

Student Stand Up to Racism (SUTR) aims to bring together students who want to confront racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

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